We really just do not get what former Big Brother 15 HouseGuest Amanda Zuckerman is thinking sometimes. Earlier this week, there was this whole thing about boyfriend McCrae Olson saying in a radio interview that he wasn’t going to ask Amanda to marry him any time soon. Then, right after she had a Twitter war with a fan over that, she went on Instagram and posted what appeared to be a shiny diamond engagement ring with the caption: “I said YES!!!”

What would you think if you saw that? Especially after all that back and forth about the whole marriage question happening right before Amanda posted the photo? Well, lots of fans understandably thought that McCrae had changed his mind or was fooling everyone with his comments on the radio show — and he had popped the question!
But no. Just a few hours later after people started sending their congratulations and exclaiming over the impending nuptials, Amanda posted again. This time she put out a message saying it was a totally fake ring and you shouldn’t believe everything you read on social media sites.
In fact, she actually sounded quite snarky about it in her post. “Woah… Who said anything about being engaged? I said Yes!… I WILL put on your fake engagement ring! Take Away: Things are always as they seem on these social media sites. Don’t believe everything, and that ring is so not my type.”

Okay, so we know better than to believe rumors about secret engagements and all that crap. But when the person involved actually posts a photo of their hand wearing a big ring and the caption “I said yes!” — what is the message supposed to be? That you like to fake out your fans and then slam them for believing you really did get engaged?
One fan posted on Amanda’s Instagram feed in response to the “fake” reveal that the former Big Brother 15 HouseGuest is “an attention wh*re!” Another slammed people who were upset for being “little prissy pants that can’t take a joke.” Well, we’ll just let you be the judge on that one.