Big Brother 12 Houseguest Profile: Hayden Moss
Hayden Moss, 24, is a student at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ. He describes himself as “outgoing, athletic and charming.” His favorite activities include snowboarding, weightlifting, working out, going to the beach and hanging out with friends.”
The most difficult part of living in the Big Brother house for Hayden is “being around people that I don’t agree with for 24/7.”
>> Read Hayden’s official CBS Big Brother 12 Bio
More Tidbits About Hayden Moss:
Hayden is afraid of flying and avidly dislikes “messy people.” He’s a country boy at heart and loves being a part of Arizona State University Baseball. He’s also not afraid of conflict – so watch out if you piss him off Houseguests!
Hayden is also pretty impressed with his own physical prowess. “Athletically, I’m pretty gifted, so the physical competitions are going to be in the bag,” he told People. Hayden also claims he’s got brains under those muscles, something that we’re still questioning. “I’m smarter than I look,” he said. We have yet to seem him prove that statement very strongly.
Check out more interesting details we’ve dug up about Big Brother 12 Houseguest Hayden Moss after the jump!
Sleuthing Hayden:

Hayden Moss was born May 27, 1986 in Queen Creek Arizona. He’s 6’0″, weighs around 200 lbs and is right-handed, according to a profile appearing to be of him on He attended Queen Creek High School.
Before going to Arizona State, Hayden attended Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Mesa Community College (where he played football) and Allan Hancock Community College, according to the Arizona State Official Atheletic Site.
According to, Hayden Moss was at some point ineligible to play for the Arizona State Sun Devils in 2008 due to “academic issues.” We couldn’t track down any more details on that.
Hayden is an exercise and wellness major at Arizona State and lists his favorite pro athlete as Tom Brady. His favorite team is the Arizona Diamondbacks.
Hayden may have a Twitter account here. The photo looks kind of like him – at least the hair does, but there isn’t any more information on the account to work with.
[Video source:]
Our Thoughts on Hayden:
Hayden is certainly the “cute boy” of the house, in our opinion. We thought it was likely he would end up having his way with some girl after the lights go down. We thought maybe it would be Annie or Britney. We didn’t actually predict it would be Kristen sharing his bed, but after watching the Houseguests for a few weeks, it makes sense in a sick kind of way.
We didn’t think Hayden would do very well in the backstage brawling and underhanded dealings that go on in the Big Brother house. Although he did end up in the Brigade alliance, it’s almost like he got there by accident. Plus, the other members of the alliance don’t quite trust him because of his showmance with Kristen. We could see Hayden ending up on the block and getting backstabbed by his alliance members pretty easily…
Chances of Winning:
We give Hayden a so-so chance. We can’t really rule him out, but we don’t feel that strongly about his chances either. He’s young, cute and athletic. He’s also young, cocky and probably thinks he’s way smarter than he actually is. We could see him coasting for a while, but we’re not really feeling him winning the whole thing. Our gut feeling is he’s going to get squished like a bug.
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