Big Brother 15 Eviction Prediction: Who Goes Home in Week 4?

We’ve finally decided to place our bet and make our Big Brother 15 eviction prediction for Thursday night. If you’d asked us on Friday who will go home on Big Brother this week, we would have given you a totally different name. Things change swiftly inside the house though and the Big Brother 2013 cast members seem especially fond of flipping their votes at the drop of a hat.

Big Brother 15 Aaryn GinaMarie Kaitlin

With most of the house now aligned behind a plan to vote against one of the three eviction nominees up this week, we feel ready to finally call it on who will be evicted on Big Brother 15 in this round. However, all sorts of crazy things can happen at the very last minute, so no eviction is totally guaranteed until the last vote is counted. Especially if Elissa has anything to say about it…

WARNING: Big Brother spoilers ahead! This post contains behind-the-scenes BB15 spoilers from the 2013 Big Brother Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS network show. Please do not keep reading if you don’t want to know!

So who will be voted off Big Brother 15 for week 4? Well, initially we strongly believed it might just be Aaryn’s time to go and for a while there it looked like the majority of the HouseGuests working with Head of Household Judd and rabble rouser Helen agreed. However, a gradual flip started happening in the house with Helen, Judd, Amanda and McCrae all moving toward the idea of getting out Kaitlin instead. Part of this was because of suspicion about her possible connections to Spencer and Howard, and part of it was just because she is more of a threat than Aaryn.

Helen and Amanda, in particular, pushed Elissa to switch her vote to get out Kaitlin over Aaryn, whom she despises. Elissa reluctantly agreed but never seemed very comfortable with the decision. Which led to a huge blowout on the Big Brother Live Feeds on Tuesday when she told Kaitlin people suspected she was in a secret alliance with Howard and Spencer. That turned into all kinds of crazy drama you can read up about here.

Untitled-3 copyBefore all the chaos went down last night because of Elissa, we were 90 percent sure it would be a vote to evict Kaitlin in a blindside this week, with Helen, Elissa, Amanda, McCrae and Jessie all voting against her. After Elissa’s meltdown yesterday and her spilling way too much to Kaitlin, we’re thinking Elissa will be voting against Aaryn this week. That would put her vote with Candice, Howard and Spencer… as it currently stands. GinaMarie shouldn’t get any votes this week at all. If that’s the case, Kaitlin is still headed out the door with a vote of 5 to 4.

We think it is all over at this point with just a few hours left until the eviction. Miracles can happen but we don’t think Kaitlin is going to get one today.

Who do you think will go home on Big Brother 15 this week? And will Elissa vote with her Momsquad ally Helen or will she truly decide to vote against those who have been protecting (and using) her for weeks?


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