Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 10 Thursday Night Live Feeds Report

When the CBS Big Brother 15 eviction show ended on Thursday night, we immediately switched over to the Live Feeds to watch the rest of the Head of Household Competition… and were denied! For some reason, CBS decided to block out the whole rest of the HoH challenge and save it to be aired on Sunday night’s show. No matter though, we found out the Big Brother spoilers on what was most important — who won Head of Household this week!

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After the HoH Competition was over, the HouseGuests immediately went into hyper game mode to try to make sure the people they wanted up on the block this week get nominated. We already knew in the first 20 minutes or so after the 2013 Big Brother Live Feeds came back up who was probably going to go on the block. Now we have to just wait and see if the new Head of Household will actually stick with the plans they have sworn to follow.

With only seven HouseGuests left in the game and another double eviction looming on the horizon, there is no more time to wait to make big moves in the house. No one is safe and no one can afford to be a floater much longer. Which means, of course, that watching Big Brother 15 just got a whole lot more fun! Keep on scrolling to find out the latest from the Live Feeds on what is going on behind the scenes inside the house. Or join the party for yourself by jumping on board for the last month of Live Feeds right now!

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7:30 PM BBT: The Live Feeds finally come back on and the Head of Household Competition is over. We quickly learn that Ginamarie has won, thanks to her “rave” moves and being “good with my fingers.” She demonstrates below.

Amanda is already crawling so far up GM’s a** that we can barely see her. She is determined to be all over GM so that no one else can turn her away from what Amanda wants to happen with the eviction nominations. She tells GinaMarie that she should get her revenge and make Aaryn proud by putting Elissa up on the block.

7:35 PM BBT: Judd and Elissa are talking about sticking as close as possible to GinaMarie and keeping her from being alone with McCrae and Amanda until nominations. Meanwhile, Andy is freaking himself out not knowing which way to go. He is stressed about Elissa still possibly being in the house next week since he knows she considers him a target. He’s wondering if he really should be part of The Exterminators alliance going after McCrae and Amanda.

7:38 PM BBT: Spencer tells Judd that Aaryn said he wanted to hook up with him at the finale and f**k him. Judd says, so she likes me better than Jeremy now?

7:45 PM BBT to 8:00 PM BBT: Judd, Spencer and GinaMarie of The Exterminators celebrate GM’s victory in the pantry. GM tells them that Amanda thinks she is going to put up Elissa but she’s not. She is planning to do exactly what The Exterminators hoped would happen and put up McCrae and Amanda.

Elissa congratulates GinaMarie for winning and tells her she was praying for her to win. Before the HoH Competition, Elissa was telling GM she had to win it so they could break up McCranda.

Spencer and Judd did the worst in the HoH Competition and will have to wear chicken suits as punishment for 48 hours. Spencer won’t stop b*tching about how someone spray-painted a pair of converse shoes for their competition costumes when they just could have bought the shoes in the color they were spray-painted. Really, he’s obsessed about it.

Big Brother 15 Week 10 Thursday Evening Highlights (15)Amanda says she is going to keep telling GM that Elissa got Aaryn eliminated and that she said GM was a disgusting freak. She tells Spencer and McCrae that as long as Elissa goes on the block, they will all be fine. GinaMarie comes in and McCrae says he thinks she will get Pandora’s Box but she doesn’t think they are going to do it this year. (We’re beginning to wonder about that ourselves.)

Amanda is upset about what Julie Chen said to her during the live eviction show. She says she knows CBS is showing her as a villain and she’s not happy about it at all. She thinks they are making her look like a bully and Elissa look like she is some kind of angel. She’s really pissed. She throws Elissa under the bus again to GM and reminds her about not wanting to sit next to her at the previous HoH Competition. GM is kind of ignoring her. Amanda is furious about how she thinks CBS is portraying her and Elissa.

8:10 PM BBT: Amanda tells Spencer that GinaMarie is probably going to put up Elissa and Judd for eviction. Just minutes later, GinaMarie tells Elissa she is absolutely going to put up McCrae and Amanda. She says that is what Aaryn really wanted her to do and she is going to do it.

Big Brother 15 Week 10 Thursday Evening Highlights (16)8:20 PM BBT: Judd talks to GinaMarie and says they have four votes against McCrae and Amanda and she is going to be happy she put them up. He says McCranda is going to be on her like white on rice. Amanda, meanwhile, is questioning Andy about what he knows and if he has info on who GinaMarie is going to put up. He says the only name he has heard is Elissa (which is a lie). He tells McCrae and Amanda that he is afraid one of the three of them will go on the block.

8:45 PM BBT: Amanda tells GinaMarie she needs to put up either Spencer or Judd against Elissa on the block. She says GM should not be putting either her or McCrae up as first nominations no matter what. She tells GinaMarie people will be pissed if she leaves but then offers to go up as a replacement nominee if Elissa or the other nominee wins Power of Veto. (The first rule of Big Brother? NEVER offer yourself as a replacement nominee!)

9:00 PM BBT: Amanda wonders if there will be a double eviction next week. Funny how they always start talking about that more the week it is going to happen. Production clues? Hmmm? Amanda tells GM they could use a double eviction to get both Judd and Elissa out. Amanda leaves the room and GinaMarie laughs, gives a thumbs up and talks to the cameras, saying “she’s going up!”

9:10 PM BBT: Amanda tells Judd that Aaryn said she really did like him a lot and they chat about maybe the two of them hooking up outside the house.

9:45 PM BBT: Spencer and Judd now have their chicken punishment suits. They play good sports about it and do a chicken dance for the others. Spencer has a lot of bad chicken jokes…

10:10 PM BBT: Production gives the HouseGuests liquor. Judd tries to get McCrae to give him smokes for his beer but the others all accuse him of hiding a beer for later for himself.

10:35 PM BBT: Amanda tells McCrae and Andy not to let GinaMarie out of their site and not to let her talk alone to Judd or Elissa.

Big Brother 15 Week 10 Thursday Evening Highlights (33)10:50 PM BBT: Spencer, Amanda, Elissa and Andy are all talking when Amanda suddenly just starts going off about Elissa and saying a bunch of nasty sh*t. Elissa was pushing her buttons a bit but not getting nasty. Then she says something about Jessie being “the only 10 in the house.” Amanda responds by telling Elissa she is “such a f**king b*tch, what is wrong with you?” And then she really lets loose with the insults. Seriously, it gets really vile. What happened to letting bygones be bygones Amanda? Everyone leaves in response to Amanda’s crap, leaving her sitting by herself and still talking sh*t about Elissa.

10:55 PM BBT: McCrae goes and tells Amanda that she needs to control herself. Amanda starts screaming that Elissa is a c**t. McCrae yells at her to chill out! Outside, Andy, Spencer and Judd talk about Amanda’s blow up. Elissa comes out and joins in and talks about how Amanda has tortured everyone in the house and Aaryn hated her, etc. etc.

11:25 PM BBT: It’s time for GinaMarie’s Head of Household room and everyone tromps up the stairs to play nice.

12:00 AM BT: Amanda works GinaMarie to try to get her firmly in her pocket. She smack talks about Elissa but it isn’t doing Amanda any good.

12:30 AM BBT: Andy and Judd are feeling excited and pretty confident now that all of their Exterminators alliance will be safe this week. They think GinaMarie is trustworthy as the HoH. They disagree, however, on who should get evicted this week. Spencer wants Amanda out. Judd wants McCrae gone first.

Big Brother 15 Week 10 Thursday Evening Highlights (47)1:00 AM BBT: Amanda tries to attack Elissa again but Elissa just keeps walking off every time Amanda comes after her. Amanda b*tches about Elissa and says that she tortured Aaryn all season. GinaMarie plays it like gold. She slams Elissa for getting out Nick and Aaryn and says how she has tried to get Elissa out from day one.

1:30 AM BBT: GinaMarie tells Judd and that she is not listening to Amanda’s BS and she is the one who has been causing all the drama. Ninja Andy appears and tells GM not to let Amanda get to her. Despite Amanda’s crap, GM says she wants McCrae out this week.

2:00 AM BBT: Amanda tells McCrae that she is afraid he might go on the block this week. She still thinks the other nominee will probably be Elissa.

Big Brother 15 Week 10 Thursday Evening Highlights (50)2:30 AM BBT: McCrae and Amanda have cornered GinaMarie again and talk about the nominations. GM plays the dope and is all like yeah, yeah and feeds them lines.

2:40 AM BBT: GinaMarie played McCranda so good, they now seem pretty convinced that she is going to nominate Elissa and Spencer this week. They were hoping she would put up Judd instead of Spencer but they feel much safer.

3:20 AM BBT: Amanda tells McCrae that she thinks GinaMarie would save her over Spencer if she went up as a replacement nominee. She is very hopeful they will be getting out Elissa next week. Since they are already talking about next week, it looks like they really are feeling much more relaxed about being safe this week. Then we have some more Elissa bashing before they finally shut up and go to sleep along with everyone else.

Stay tuned for all the latest Big Brother 2013 Live Feeds spoilers and highlights coming to you right here at! Or take the plunge yourself and try out a two-day free trial to see all the 24/7 uncensored action inside the house day and night.


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