Many former Big Brother Houseguests have already been picking favorites to support for the new season. Former BB15 cast member Aaryn Gries, who was much in the spotlight at the center of the Big Brother racism controversy last season, is no exception. In what has turned out to be an exceptionally bad move for Aaryn, she appears to have cast her early vote of the season for exactly the wrong Houseguest.

Shortly after the Big Brother 16 cast list was announced, former competitors on the show began calling out their pre-season favorites on Twitter. Former Big Brother 2014 Houseguest Aaryn Gries jumped on the bandwagon, posting a tweet saying she was “#TeamCody” and “#TeamCaleb” — arguably the two hottest guys in the house this season.
Unfortunately, in addition to having a smoking body, Big Brother 2014 cast member Caleb Reynolds also apparently has a problem with racism and homophobia. Something Aaryn Gries herself was accused of repeatedly throughout Big Brother 15.
After news broke that Big Brother 16 cast member Caleb Reynolds had a history of posting racist and homophobic comments online, fans started slamming anyone on #TeamCaleb for supporting him, including Aaryn Gries. Being a Caleb supporter looked especially bad for Aaryn considering her history last year of spewing hate language inside the Big Brother house.
Aaryn immediately jumped on the defensive and stated on Twitter that the only reason why she said she was on #TeamCaleb is because he was a fellow Texan.
Just for the record, I said I was team Caleb strictly from the fact that he is a Texan. This is the first I’ve heard of the controversy.
— Aaryn Gries (@AarynElizaGries) June 21, 2014
We are quite sure Aaryn had no idea of the nasty things Caleb said online that has sparked so much controversy in the Big Brother fandom. Perhaps it might be a good lesson though that just because you share a state with someone and they happen to be hot, doesn’t mean it is a good idea to suddenly promote yourself as their fan without knowing anything else about them.