The Big Brother spoilers are in for the week 12 Head of Household Competition and we have to say, we’re feeling a bit disappointed. Although, to be frank, this whole week of Big Brother 16 has been kind of a wash because of that #BBRewind button twist. What’s the point of erasing an entire week’s worth of competitions and game play, only to repeat the exact same stuff over again?

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers on alliances, strategy, competition results and more. Please proceed at your own Big Brother 2014 spoilers risk!
Last night on CBS Big Brother, the show ended before the Head of Household Competition was over, leaving us to wait for the spoilers from the Live Feeds. Absurdly, we were really hoping that Victoria would somehow, impossibly, end up as the winner, just to shake up the boys club that has been running the house practically the whole season.
Alas, Victoria proved once again that she is one of the worst competitors ever in the history of Big Brother. Instead, we ended up with ‘Beast Mode Cowboy’ actually living up to his nickname for once and winning the HoH Comp. The exact SAME HoH Comp as last week. Like, they couldn’t even bother to do a new competition. WTF CBS? Didn’t go the way you wanted, so you decided to just throw everything out?
The only good news from this is that we might actually NOT end up with Victoria being the main target this week. After Caleb won, the guys were quick to starts scheming about the Nominations. Cody and Derrick went to work on Caleb to convince him that Frankie needs to go up on the block with Victoria, and that Frankie needs to be the big target to get out next.
Caleb seems relatively convinced on that plan for now. We’ll have to see what happens with Nominations on Thursday.
Why wait to find out what happens on the Live Feeds? Subscribe now for less than the cost of a movie or a couple cups of coffee, and watch all the action for yourself!