Big Brother Spoilers: Power of Veto Results! 6/24/2016

The Big Brother 18 spoilers are in for which houseguests were chosen to play in the first Power of Veto Competition of the season and who won! From what we’ve seen on the Big Brother Live Feeds, the house majority already has a very firm target in mind among the current eviction nominees. So it was vital for them to win this PoV to make sure they don’t end up going home next Thursday.


WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet been shown on the CBS TV show, possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!

When the Big Brother Live Feeds came on Thursday night after the west coast show airing, it didn’t take long to figure out that something different was going on with the eviction nominees this year.

We saw new Head of Household Nicole Franzel choose two nominees at the end of Thursday night’s show. However, at some point while the Live Feeds were down, the new Battle of the Block replacer competition was held, and the end result was a third eviction nominee.

Even more interesting, the houseguests apparently do not all know for certain who won the competition and made the third nomination, as it is supposed to be anonymous — although some seemed to think Nicole won this one, and others Michelle. However, Frank seemed to state clearly around 11AM on Friday morning that he was actually the winner and nominated Paul.

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According to our Live Feeds correspondent Tamara D.:

At 11:00 am Camera 3 Frank admits with Da’Vonne & James he won the comp. He was happy he told Corey about it because Corey was down and out. He also told Nicole, Tiffany and Paulie.

Nicole had originally chosen Jozea as her target nomination this week, with Paulie as her ‘pawn’ nomination to try to make sure Jozea didn’t win the Power of Veto. The third nominee chosen by the winner of the new competition was Paul. All three nominees will have a chance to play in the Power of Veto Competition to save themselves from the block.

The Power of Veto players for this week are nominees Jozea, Paulie, and Paul as eviction nominees, Nicole as HoH, and the extra players drawn were Da’Vonne and Corey. HoH Nicole is decently happy with this, as it means a good chance that her main target Jozea will go home, and if not him, Paul could be the alternate target. She really didn’t want Victor to get a chance to play and he didn’t.

The Live Feeds went down for the Power of Veto Competition around 4:00 PM BBT and didn’t come back until almost 7:00 PM. When they returned, we quickly learned that Paul won the Power of Veto. Unless he’s crazy, he will use it to take himself off the block, which will leave Nicole with the choice of a replacement nominee. She’s likely at this point to choose someone who won’t lose to Jozea in the eviction vote, because as of now, she still wants him out.


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