The biggest Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds on Sunday this week were pretty tame all around. There was some game talk, and speculation about the big shiny button they all pushed, but mostly just a lot of the same conversations going around and around. Oh, and we had the Power of Veto, but does it really even matter since it’s not going to mean anything when Tuesday’s eviction rolls around?
The guys are ready to get out Frankie as soon as they can, and that might just be sooner than they think because of the “rewind” twist this week now that the button has been pushed. Victoria, meanwhile, is in tears and freaked out because she thinks she is going to be evicted and go to Jury. The truth is, we have no idea what is going to happen on Thursday night after everything that has happened this week gets erased.
The Power of Veto Meeting took place on Sunday morning, a day early, which clued the Houseguests in that the live eviction show will probably be on Wednesday rather than Thursday. As the winner of the PoV, Frankie left his nominations the same, which means leaving Victoria as the target. Victoria, naturally, cried all day about it and Derrick tried to comfort her, even as he made sure it looked like it wasn’t his fault at all.
Most of the Houseguests spent a lot of the day sleeping and we really got pretty much nothing from the Live Feeds after the PoV Meeting until after 7PM BBT.
7:45 PM – Cody and Frankie talk. Frankie says there are two more major competitions left for the summer and he won’t be able to play in them. Actually, because of the “rewind” button, he will be dethroned as HoH, so that won’t be true. IF he doesn’t win HoH again, and IF he doesn’t get evicted. Cody is nervous about the button press thing but they agree it had to be done. Frankie is sure Wednesday will be a live show.
9:15 PM – Derrick is trying to convince Cody that if Frankie goes to the final two, he will win the game. They have to get him out next. Cody agrees with this.
10:50 PM – Victoria rubs Cody’s hair while they speculate about the big button with Caleb. Caleb hopes it will be some kind of big luxury competition. Victoria is afraid something bad is going to happen. (Not for you Victoria, it will be potentially something very good!)
11:10 PM – Caleb talks again about dreaming of a little boy fan seeing him at the airport and telling him he loves Beast Mode Cowboy. Caleb has an ego the size of…
11:55 PM – Cody, Derrick, and Victoria talk about Christine. Cody says Christine said nasty things about people. Victoria says that Christine lied to Nicole about Hayden making out with Victoria. Victoria loooovessss Hayden.
Caleb and Cody play pool and Caleb is STILL talking about Amber. Wow.
2:25 AM – Derrick and Frankie talk about the Team America missions, counting how many they think they’ve won. They think they only lost three out of seven, so that means they should each get 25k. They talk about who would beat whom in the final two. Derrick tells Frankie that Caleb is the person to beat. (He is pretty much trying to convince everyone that he is the only person they should take to final two because he can’t beat them… right.) Frankie says Derrick might win America’s Favorite Player.
3:00 AM – Victoria and Cody talk about Christine more. They wonder why she got booed so badly when she left. Cody says he doesn’t think it is about him and how he was acting with her. (Really?) He says they never did anything together that would cause that kind of boos. Victoria says Christine was on depression meds and always angry. Cody says she said mean things and was always trashing Donny.
3:50 AM – Derrick tells Cody that Frankie thinks his best chance to win is against Caleb or him. (He is playing all these guys like fiddles.) Derrick says if one of them wins the next HoH, they have to put up Caleb and Frankie. Derrick says Frankie knows he has to win Veto or he will probably go home. Cody is on board with this.
4:00 AM – Victoria talks about how she dates much older guys because you can’t find young guys who are serious and have money. Yep. That’s Victoria. They go off to go to bed but Victoria gets called to Diary Room. When she comes out, she really wants to talk to Derrick but he sends her off to bed.
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