Our Big Brother 17 rankings for week 10 are out, and once again we just can’t believe Vanessa is still in the house. While we can totally see her for the manipulative, puppet-string pulling player that she is, the other Houseguests just keep trusting her to steer their own games. Whether we like it or not, inside the Big Brother 2015 house, Vanessa keeps playing a masterful game.

Well, she has been until now anyway. We still aren’t sure that her decisions this week will really pay off for her game the way she thinks they will. Or if the choices she’s made and the eviction target she’s settled on won’t come back to bite her in the butt very soon. Like during the Double Eviction tonight. We’ll have to wait and see on that, but for now, let’s break down our Big Brother rankings for week 10!
8. Meg – Meg’s entire game has been about survival, but it looks like this week, barring a flip vote, it’s game over. She has not been able to win anything or play much of a game strategy wise, so enjoy the Jury House Meg? You would think as weak as Meg is the boys (John and Steve) would want to keep her, but Vanessa is basically still calling all their shots.
7. James – After losing all his allies, he is in a situation where he has to just give it his best in competitions and hopefully make a deal or two to keep himself safe in the game. For James, it’s all about surviving the double eviction because he is a safe pick to get the boot if people coward out and do not want to make a big move in the game.
6. Liz – Liz is an extremely big target in the double eviction and if she is sitting on the block post power of veto she will likely go home. The other Houseguests have awakened to how dangerous the trio of Austin, Liz and Julia really is! It’s about time because they are dangerous. Liz has won quite a few competitions, and with the twin factor AND the showmance, it makes her a bigger threat than Austin or Julia.
5. John – John’s biggest problem is that if Austin and the twins come into power that he might end up on the block next to James. If James were to win the POV, he could end up being the causality this week. John has played it pretty good this week for someone who was voted out and then won the competition to return to the game. He’s still in the danger zone, but maybe he’s due for an HOH win. After all, he has come close in at least two this season.
4. Austin – He’s playing one of the best games this season. Austin is the only player who has never been nominated this season and the only time he was close to going up was the week his ally Vanessa won HOH. He seems to have decent relationships in the house, but if James, John, or Steve win HOH he will likely sit next to his showmance on the block. If Liz wins the Power of Veto, you can kiss Austin’s game goodbye.
3. Julia – Barring a flip tonight before the double eviction, I think she is one of the safest players in the double eviction as Austin and Liz are shields for her. I do not see Julia going home next to anyone because she is viewed as “can’t win anything” and less threatening than other players.
2. Steve – I am not 100 % confident, but Steve has been playing it safe lately and he should be safe in the double eviction. The problem with Steve is moving forward is that he does not play his own game. He currently is all about doing what Vanessa tells him and he’s going to have to realize it’s a one person game and not a team sport.
1. Vanessa – She is playing the best game currently in the house because she has divided the house in trios: Austin, Liz, Julia vs John, Steve, Vanessa vs James and Meg, and she is able to play in the middle of all of them. Vanessa can choose which alliance she ultimately wants to go with, but I am concerned for her in the double eviction if James gets HOH.
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