The Big Brother spoilers are out for the first season 17 winner of the Battle of the Block and first eviction nominees. The spoilers were leaked by Austin and Jace overnight on the Big Brother Live Feeds.
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
According to what we heard on the Big Brother Live Feeds overnight, the eviction nominees were Jackie and Steve (by James) and Becky & John (by Jason).
We learned that Steve and Jackie were apparently the losers in the first Battle of the Block. So that means their Head of Houseold, James, stays in power for the rest of the week and is safe from elimination. Jason was dethroned, putting him back in the danger zone. His nominees, Becky & John, are now safe from eviction.

In somewhat of a confusing note, Austin is apparently also safe this week because of something Vanessa did, but we still aren’t quite sure what. We think she was given a special power to save a Houseguest for sitting out of the Head of Household Competition.
Da’Vonne also seems to have been given this power, but we don’t know who she has chosen to save. Vanessa and Da’Vonne are also safe from elimination this week as well.
Da’Vonne, Vanessa, Liz, and Austin are the Have-Nots for the week and have to eat Slop and sleep in dentist chairs. Ouch.