Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Eviction Nominations – Week 2

Yesterday’s Big Brother 19 episode ended on a cliffhanger. Only show viewers were left wondering who won Head of Household, and what he would do with his power. When the Big Brother 19 Live Feeds returned, we got our answer.

Big Brother 19 Julie Chen

The Big Brother Live Feeds revealed that Paul Abrahamian Candy Crush-ed his way to victory. He became the second Head of Household of Big Brother 19. Always energetic Paul went to work. He started by trying to convince his alliance to play the pawn game.

As stated on the Big Brother 19 episode, Paul has one target in mind: Cody Nickson. After Cody openly declared war on Paul, Cody made it clear that Paul had to take him or his showmance partner, Jessica Graf, out the game. However, Paul plans to make the road to evict Cody a bumpy one.

His original plan was to nominate Matthew Clines and Raven Walton. One of them, or himself, would need to win the Power of Veto, Raven stays on the block, and Cody goes up and out. As Mark Jansen, and other members of Paul’s alliance pointed out, there are a lot of problems with this plan.

First, it makes Paul lose some votes. If he already forgotten,yesterday it wasn’t a clean sweep to keep Christmas Abbott in the house Second, there is a chance Cody wins Veto and keeps nominations the same. This ensures either Matt or Raven’s eviction.

After logic finally hit Paul, he changed up his plan. He would use two of the Big Brother 19 outsiders as pawns, and then backdoor Cody. He settled on nominating Josh Martinez and Alex Ow.

So did Paul stick with his plan and nominate Josh and Alex for eviction?

Major Spoiler Ahead. Proceed with Caution.


Big Brother 19 week 3 nominations

Paul did stick to his plan. Alex Ow and Josh Martinez are up for eviction, but the plan is to backdoor Cody Nickson this week. The Big Brother 19 Power of Veto competition determines the outcome of the week.

Ramses Soto also decided to use his curse. If someone removes a nominee from the block, Ramses goes up automatically as their replacement.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!
