Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Episode 24 — Week 8 Power of Veto!

Big Brother WednesdayOn CBS Big Brother tonight, viewers will find out who won the Power of Veto and learn who is most likely to end up as the final eviction target for week 8. From Big Brother 15 spoilers from the Live Feeds, we know that the results of the Power of Veto Competition are a huge game changer — so this is definitely not an episode you want to miss. The outcome of this challenge may well lead to one of the biggest power players of the season being the next person who will be evicted on Big Brother 2013.

We’ve been waiting for weeks to see one of the major power players go up on the block and truly have to fight to stay in the house. Big Brother 15 host Julie Chen even teased the HouseGuests last week by asking a Twitter question about when someone was going to make a big move in the game. Well, it looks like the time for big moves is finally here — even if the one this week may not be the what we were secretly hoping for.

If you can’t wait to find out who won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 15 for week 8, you can read up on the outcome of the competition in our spoilers here. The results and aftermath of the Power of Veto Ceremony can be round in our Live Feeds roundup spoilers from Monday evening.

Check out a video preview above of what’s coming up on Big Brother tonight for the week 8 Power of Veto show and join us for our live Big Brother recap starting at 8 PM ET.

Stay tuned for all the latest Big Brother 2013 Live Feeds spoilers and highlights coming to you right here at! Or take the plunge yourself and try out a two-day free trial to see all the 24/7 uncensored action inside the house day and night.


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