Eight Big Brother 2014 cast members entered the tree house inspired Big Brother 16 house and immediately began to form alliance after alliance left and right. Frankie, Joey, Cody, Devin, Donny, Amber, Nicole, and Paola started off the two-night season premiere with a bang.

The talk all started when Devin and Paola, nicknamed Pao-Pao, gathered all eight houseguests into one of the bedrooms and pitched the idea of an eight-member alliance called the “Crazy8s.” Joey and Frankie expressed skepticism in Diary Room sessions, complaining that they knew no one and had no idea what this season would bring.
Then, Devin and Donny formed a two-person side alliance called the “Double Ds.” They both believed they could keep this alliance under the radar, as no one would expect them to align.
True to their word in pre-season interviews, the girls executed their wishes to form an all-girl alliance. Paola, Amber, Joey, and Nicole formed “El Cuatro,” which means “the Four” in Spanish in case you were confused like Nicole.
Three alliances. Eight people. Anyone want to guess how long it takes for the first backstabbing of the summer to happen?
From what we’ve seen in earlier seasons, Devin and Pao-Pao have placed instant targets on their backs by being the most aggressive game-players thus far. Pao-Pao also has an aggressive personality in general, which may hurt her. Frankie’s victory as the first Head of Household also throws a wrench into these early plans. As far as we can tell from the premiere edit, he doesn’t yet belong to a side-alliance outside of the Crazy 8s.
Joey did say she felt an instant connection with Frankie. She may be able to steer Frankie away from the girls if she plans to stay true to the estrogen-only alliance. We will see if Joey can convince Frankie to nominate one of the males like Cody, his favorite eye-candy.
One thing is for sure: this summer promises to be one of the best yet with strong personalities and crazy twists. Stay with us as we bring you the latest scoop on this season of Big Brother!