The Big Brother spoilers were written large on the wall early on the week about which Houseguest would be the one who got evicted on Big Brother tonight. With Frankie as the sole remaining Head of Household, and the Power of Veto Competition winner, all the power was in his hands. He chose to use it to backstab one of his own right out the door.

We were kind of depressed all week as we watched the target for eviction land firmly on Zach’s back and stay there. After the Power of Veto Competition, it was pretty much inevitable that Zach would be the one who went home on Big Brother tonight. Or off to Jury house anyway, not quite going home yet.
Zach may be rude, uncouth, kind of nasty towards women, and a jerk. But at least he’s bloody well entertaining. Most of the rest of the Big Brother 2014 cast at this point are about as interesting to watch as wallpaper.
Even Donny, whom we love, has faded into the woodwork now that all of his friends have been evicted. Unless he wins HoH or PoV this coming week, he’ll almost definitely be the next out.
This time around, however, it was Zach who ended up the loser in the live Big Brother eviction results on Thursday night. Donny had said he would vote for Zach to stay even though he knew it would be the lone vote. But Zach told him not to worry about it and not to vote against the house.
So when the vote rolled around, it was a unanimous vote against Zach, sending him off to join the Jury with Jocasta, Hayden, and Nicole.
Big Brother 2014 Eviction Results: Week 8
- Derrick votes to evict: Zach
- Christine votes to evict: Zach
- Donny votes to evict: Zach
- (Zach has been evicted.)
- Caleb votes to evict: Zach
- Victoria votes to evict: Zach
Who was evicted on Big Brother tonight: Zach Rance by a vote of 5 to zero.