Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds told us with absolute certainty by Monday night which Houseguest would the the first out the door on Thursday. Who got evicted on Big Brother tonight was set in stone shortly after the Power of Veto Meeting and stayed that way right up until Wednesday night. And then, suddenly, the stone got broken up by a sledgehammer vote flip like few we’ve ever seen before!

Everything got turned upside down at the first live Big Brother eviction results on Thursday night. What seemed like a guaranteed Zach eviction was flipped on it’s head. Instead of voting out Zach like Hayden and Nicole expected after a week of manipulating and lying to the other Houseguests, it was Jocasta who walked out the door first.
Jocasta was shocked because she had been told by everyone she was safe and thought Zach was the big target this week. Hayden and Nicole were floored by the turn of events, not knowing that The Detonators (+ Caleb) had gone behind their backs and flipped the vote. Rather than now being on the majority vote side of the house, Haycole abruptly found themselves in serious danger on a Double Eviction night.
Big Brother 2014 Week 6 Votes (First Eviction):
- Donny votes to evict: Zach
- Caleb votes to evict: Jocasta
- Christine votes to evict: Jocasta
- Derrick votes to evict: Jocasta
- Cody votes to evict: Jocasta
- Hayden votes to evict: Zach
- Frankie votes to evict: Jocasta
- (Jocasta has now been evicted.)
- Victoria votes to evict: Jocasta
Big Brother 2014 Week 6.5 Votes (Second Eviction):
- Cody: evict Nicole
- Christine: evict Hayden
- Derrick: evict Hayden
- Donny: evict Nicole
- Frankie: evict Hayden
- Zach: evict Hayden
- (Hayden is evicted)
- Victoria: evict Hayden
Jocasta and Hayden have been evicted and will be the first Houseguests in the Jury.
>> Click here to read our full recap of Thursday’s Double Eviction show.
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