On Big Brother 2014 tonight, we are hoping all hell will break loose when the Houseguests find out the live vote this week will count for nothing because they pressed that big, shiny, gold button in the former Have-Not room. The Big Brother 16 cast doesn’t know it yet, but everything they’ve done this week for the game is about to be totally erased.

Instead of a guaranteed boot out the door in the Big Brother eviction results tonight, that means Victoria will have two more chances to save her butt and make it to the final four – Head of Household and Power of Veto. Of course, Victoria is a terrible competitor, so her chances of winning either are pretty slim. She does have another possible chance of sticking around, however, because Frankie might just be a more enticing target.
If Frankie fails to win either the Head of Household Competition or the Power of Veto, we think it is highly likely the other guys will band together to vote him out instead of Victoria. They’ve been trying to do it for weeks, but Frankie keeps winning competitions and putting himself out of harm’s way. Frankie isn’t a total idiot and he’s going to be pushing like mad to win one of the comps because he knows the other guys could turn on him at a moment’s notice.
We aren’t sure yet how the whole “rewind” twist is going to work out this evening, but we suspect it won’t be like a Double Eviction night where we get a whole week of stuff in one evening. Instead, we think it will just be a total rewind, erase, and reboot. So after the live vote is killed and Victoria is saved, Frankie will no longer be the current HoH – it will revert back to Derrick.
Thus, Frankie will get to play in the HoH Comp but Derrick won’t. (Giving Frankie, BTW, two chances to save himself, which he wouldn’t have otherwise had if things had gone normally.) Once the new Head of Household is crowned, things should progress normally throughout the rest of the week from there.