Another week, and another set of wacky Big Brother 2014 pics from the photo booth. We couldn’t help but notice the extreme lack of Zach Rance in the photos this week, or how cuddly Derrick and Victoria are looking with their secret final two deal still in play.

The live eviction may not be until Thursday night, but it seems like Zach was already gone days ago from the photo booth pictures this week. Zach was pretty much missing in action and Zankie, usually a regular item during photo booth pics, was nowhere to be found.
Normally we would see him laughing it up with Frankie, making weird faces for the camera. Or hanging out with homeboys Cody and Derrick from The Detonators. Not this week though, with Zach already two feet out the door after the Veto Competition, he seems to have gone AWOL from the photo booth this time around.
Click the thumbnails for bigger pics or to scroll through.
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