Tonight’s episode will feature the first live eviction of Big Brother 21, but will it actually be an eviction? Last week we watched as David Alexander was banished from Big Brother game with promises by Julie Chen Moonves that we had not seen the last of him. Will tonight’s evictee, Ovi Kabir or Kathryn Dunn, have another chance to earn their way back into the house?
In addition, Ovi won the first Whacktivity power, which entitled him to force the HOH to nominate two new houseguests to the block for eviction. Unfortunately for Ovi, he won the power a day late because now his back against the wall to try and save his game. Could his Big Brother power be walking out the door with him? These questions plus many more will be answered on Big Brother 21 tonight.
Power of Veto Ceremony Fallout
Now that Sam Smith won the Power of Veto (POV) and used his power to save Cliff Hogg III, Head of Household Christie Murphy was forced to nominate a new houseguest to the block. Her choice was Ovi, which means either himself or Kat will be evicted tonight…or sent into sequester to fight another day.
For the first time ever, the evicted houseguest will not be sent home and will continue to live inside the Big Brother 21 house. This is all according to our beautiful host who promises this new twist will change everything. WHOA! Did Julie really just say that the evicted houseguest will stay inside the house?!? WHAT?

Ovi admits that he is very much blindsided by his nomination to the block. Ovi believes he is in an alliance with HOH Christie and Jack Matthews, Jackson Michie, Analyse Talavera called Fam Five. Ovi breaks down in tears to Christie who reassures him that he was only put up as a pawn, and he has no worries this week with being evicted.
Eviction Campaigning
Ovi begins the campaign to stay in the Big Brother 21 house right away. He visits the all of the houseguests to insure he is safe this week from eviction. Although he is the target right now, everyone convinces him that they will not vote him out of the house.
Meanwhile, Kat needs to play it cool as to not put a target on her back, but her paranoia gets the best of her. Instead of laying low, she continually asks everyone if they are conspiring against her. Michie reveals in the diary room that Kat is campaigning to be evicted rather than maintaining control. She is literally exhausting the houseguests with her beyond paranoid attitude, and she is spiraling out of control. Will her actions switch the target from Ovi to Kat tonight?
Knowing that it is too late to use his Whacktivity power to save himself this week, Ovi decided to spill the beans about his power in a last ditch effort to save his game. His choice to reveal the power to was the “Jack” boys, Michie and Jack. Ovi promises to use his power to keep them safe if they keep him safe this week. The Jacks are now put in between a rock and a hard place. What will they do?

Live Eviction Results
Analyse votes to evict Ovi
Nick Maccarone votes to evict Ovi
Tommy Bracco votes to evict Ovi
Jessica Milagros votes to evict Ovi
Holly Allen votes to evict Ovi
Jack votes to evict Ovi
Michie votes to evict Ovi
Nicole Anthony votes to evict Ovi
Isabella Wang votes to evict Ovi
Cliff votes to evict Ovi
Sam votes to evict Ovi
Kemi Fakunle votes to evict Ovi
Big Brother 21 Camp Comeback
By a vote to evict of 12-0, Ovi is evicted from the Big Brother 21 house…but SURPRISE. Camp Comeback is officially open according to Julie. Ovi will stay in the Big Brother 21 house, although he is out of the game, for now.

Members of Camp Comeback members will not compete in any challenges, they won’t participate in any ceremonies, and they will not vote. Although they will stay in the Big Brother 21 house, their cabin upstairs won’t exactly be comfortable. But, campers will continue to play the Big Brother social game, and one of the first four members sent packing will earn their way back into the game giving them a chance to win the $500,000 prize.
Yet another twist in the Big Brother 21 game, David is back in the house. He will join Ovi in Camp Comeback. David will also enjoy the ability to participate in the Big Brother 21 social game, and possibly earn his way back into the game. Big Brother, you never fail to entertain your fans!
Head of Household Competition
The HOH competition is called BB Fireworks Quiztacular. The houseguests will watch a video of fireworks like they have never seen before. After each round, Julie will ask a question about the video they just saw, and the houseguest must answer either red, white, or blue. Get the answer correct and stay in the game. Get it wrong and the houseguest is immediately eliminated. The last houseguest standing after seven round wins the HOH.

After five rounds of questions, only Jessica and Jack remain in the HOH competition. In the sixth round, both houseguests got the question correct. In the final round, Jack answered correctly and won the HOH competition. Looks like Gr8ful remains in control of the Big Brother 21 house. How will the new twist effect Jack’s HOH this week?
Join us this Sunday, July 7th at 8 PM EST/ 7 PM CST for the next recap of Big Brother 21.
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