Big Brother 23 Spoilers Week 8 Power of Veto Ceremony Results (08/30/21)

This has been such a week of potential excitement and upset but then the results have made it easy for the Big Brother 23 Cookout to continue to dominate. It has proved how well the Cookout is playing, and now they’re only three evictions away from their goal of top six. It has not been an easy ride for the Cookout because there is always some tension between the members. This week is no different.

This time the tension is between Kyland Young and Xavier Prather. Xavier wants to stick to this week’s goal of evicting Sarah Beth Steagall. With Hannah Chaddha winning the Power of Veto, Sarah Beth’s fate seemed pretty much sealed. However, Kyland wants to try to save his ride or die. 

He wants Hannah to use the Veto to save him. Then he wants to work to flip the votes to evict Alyssa Lopez, who would likely go up as Kyland’s replacement. However, Kyland will not be getting his way this week. Hannah wants to use the Veto to save Xavier, leaving Sarah Beth and Kyland on the block. 

Because Xavier was only on the block as a result of the Power of Veto punishment from last week, if he’s removed from the block, no other player goes up as his replacement. Hannah using the Veto on Xavier will likely further the wedge between Kyland and Xavier that started this week.

Kyland has pissed off many members of The Cookout over the last few weeks, so he will likely be the first to go of the six, either before the final six or once it starts–if he doesn’t win the Head of Household. With Sarah Beth leaving this week, Kyland should try to build other relationships or his game life is hanging on a string.

S‌o what happened at today’s Big Brother 23 Power of Veto Ceremony? Read below to find out!



Hannah removed Xavier from the block. No one went up as his replacement. Sarah Beth and Kyland remain on the block.

Sarah Beth will likely go to the jury this week. Her only hope of staying is if Kyland really angers people this week, which is possible, but if they kept him this long, he’s likely not going anywhere on Thursday.

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