Big Brother 24 Rumors: Paloma Leaves The Game

Big Brother 24 has already been one big roller coaster. We’ve already had the house making one person public enemy #1, a nominee who won the Veto and changed his game fate, and this mysterious Backstage Twist that could shake up tonight’s first Live Eviction. However, the eviction may already be rocked. The first Big Brother 24 houseguest May have left the game, but not via an eviction.

Paloma on Big Brother 24
Image via 89razorskate20

Paloma Aguilar has been the topic of much discussion inside and outside the Big Brother 24 house. Now it appears that the conversations will continue to surround her. The Big Brother 24 Live Feeds suddenly went down around 8:43 PM BBT on Wednesday night. The Big Brother Live Feed watchers were left wondering what could be happening. Paloma had been in the Diary Room for quite sometime when they Feeds down.

Hamsterwatch tweeted a little less than an hour later that “a source has informed me Paloma is gone #BB24.” Those who follow the Hamsterwatch account know that it sometimes tweets insider information The account only does this when they are certain of a fact or detail. The account is often accurate.

Therefore, many believed that Hamsterwatch was right about Paloma leaving the Big Brother 24 house. However, fans of the show wouldn’t get a confirmation until much later. We still haven’t gotten one at the time of this publication, but should know by the time the episode airs.

If Paloma made the decision to leave the game, it isn’t completely shocking because she had been displaying erratic behavior for a few days inside the Big Brother house. Sometimes she would display extreme emotions, from happy to sad. Make grandiose statements and claims. She also talked about being really exhausted. 

Paloma’s possible unexpected exit could completely change how this week plays out. There may be no eviction this week because it could mess with CBS’s schedule. We won’t know anything for sure until tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode. 

If she has left, we wish Paloma well and hope she is all right.

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