Big Brother 25 Week 11 (Invisible) Head of Household (10/12/23) Results

Big Brother 25 Comic Week Julie Chen

We’re finally down to the final eight houseguests. There are also only a few weeks left of Big Brother 25 before a winner is crowned. The jury has started and the houseguests have to make every move count from here until the November 9th finale. On Thursday’s Big Brother 25 eviction episode, we saw that Matt and Jag are going after America and Cory, and America and Cory are going after Matt and Jag. This week could really come down to which of these duos wins power, and if they’re really going to make a move against the other set of duos.

This week is also a little bit more complicated than normal Big Brother 25 weeks. It’s Comic Week, so powers will be unleashed into the house all week. Host Julie Chen-Moonves revealed that the first power is the Power of Invisibility. The Head of Household will be secret. The second power will be the Power of Multiplicity. The Veto holder will likely be able to remove two houseguests from the block this week.

The houseguests may not know who won the Head of Household, but we likely will because the houseguests are basically in pairs right now. This means that the HOH will likely tell their closest ally that they’re Head of Household. 

Big Brother 25 launch of comic week

We know for sure that Bowie will not be Head of Household as the outgoing HOH. The HOH will also likely not be one of the nominees. This will be an interesting week full of some powers that could spice up the game. 

So who won the Power of Invisibility and is the secret Head of Household? Read below to find out.



Jag is the new Head of Household!


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