Big Brother schedule changes for the rest of season 16 start this week! There are a lot of alterations to the Big Brother 2014 schedule from now through the finale on September 24. So be sure to check out the new Big Brother 16 schedule so you don’t miss anything.

The new Big Brother schedule changes kick off on Tuesday, September 9 as the Power of Veto show moves to a day earlier in the week and will air from 8 to 9 PM ET/PT. The live eviction results show will also move up a day, airing on Wednesday, September 10, also at 8 to 9 PM ET/PT. There will be no more Thursday night shows this summer so you can go watch that Thursday night football instead if you are so inclined!
The Tuesday Power of Veto show, and Wednesday eviction show, will run for the rest of the season, both at 8PM ET/PT. However, we will also have a special extra episode airing on Friday, September 19 at 8PM ET/PT. We still aren’t quite sure what this is all about. We’ll let you know when we know.
The 90-minute Big Brother finale for season 16 will take place on Wednesday, September 24 starting at 9:30 PM, right after the season premiere of Survivor.