Big Brother Spoilers: Live Feeds Thursday Report – 7/30/2015

7:07 PM BBT: The Feeds return in the middle of the week 6 Head of Household Competition! Click for the full recap of the comp and the winner results!

8:55 PM BBT: The Head of Household Competition is over and James has emerged as the sole winner! Time to get down to business!

9:10 PM BBT: We think it is mighty rude to discover that Jace’s photo on the Memory Wall has been replaced by Julia. Not nice. He gave us a lot of great drama in the house and now CBS has erased him.

Big Brother Live Feeds July 30 2015 (1)

9:20 PM BBT: Liz and Julia are having their first in house information exchange and that is fun to watch. Liz is worried they are screwed because James won HoH. She says James threw the Battle of the Block and she had to win it by herself.

Austin is a big topic of conversation. Julia hates Austin and she wishes he were gone and does NOT like that Liz keeps supporting him. Liz tries to convince Julia (and maybe she actually believes it) that Jason lied about Austin saying he wanted her gone so he could have Liz to himself. Problem is, Austin really did say that stuff.

Big Brother Live Feeds July 30 2015 (19)

Austin comes in and joins the twins. Julia confronts him about what he allegedly said to Jason. She is also pissed that Austin told Jason her name. Liz continues to defend Austin (really?) even while Julia tries to tear him apart. Austin is trying to smooth things out with her, but we don’t think it is going to work.

Meanwhile, James tells Meg it is time to fight back and rattle the cage! We love it!

9:30 PM BBT: James says squatting down was what got him through the HoH Competition. It helped get the burn out of his legs.

9:42 PM BBT: James talks to Jackie and Meg. He says he wasn’t going to let the other side of the house take them out. He fought hard in the HoH for all of them and he won. Hell yeah James!

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Meanwhile, Austin is worried that he is going to be one of James’ targets and go up on the block. He thinks James will put him up and maybe put one of the twins up. He asks Clay to help steer James away from them. Clay agrees to try to do that.

9:50 PM BBT: Shelli tells Vanessa she was afraid to win the Head of Household yet again. She didn’t want to make herself an even bigger target. She feels bad she didn’t include Vanessa in her deal with James. (Well honey, we think James would have outlasted you regardless, don’t think so highly of yourself.)

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Shelli is freaked out about not having herself or one of her allies in power, regardless of the supposed ‘safety’ James promised her at the end of the HoH Comp. Shelli is worried that she made the wrong move dropping out. Vanessa reassures her (and Clay) that she should be okay because of the deal she made with James. She thinks James will go after Austin and the twins. Clay believes they can probably make sure James doesn’t go after Vanessa. He thinks they are good with James as far as him and Shelli. Shelli hopes they can get him to go after Steve.

10:10 PM BBT: The twins have another long talk, this time without Austin. Julia is still pissed over Austin and tells Liz that she better have her back over Austin’s. Liz basically tells Julia she needs to get the hell over it. Julia says Austin is disgusting and she hates him. They go round and round for a while. Liz is sure James is going to put her on the block. Julia thinks Austin will go on the block.

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10:45 PM BBT: Julia tells John she was a dental assistant. Could this mean a new love interest for Johnny Mac? (Although we still think he and Becky would be so cute.) She jokes that she is mad at him for noticing her crown tooth as one of the clues she wasn’t Liz. Johnny Mac does kind of seem into Julia…

Not much else of interest through the midnight hour. Stay tuned for more in our next Live Feeds report!

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