Note: The following information has not yet aired on Big Brother 16 on CBS. The second Power of Veto Ceremony of the summer has just concluded, and we have the results! As we learned on Sunday’s show, Paola and Brittany remained on the block with Nicole and Hayden winning the Battle of the Block. We also learned through the Live Feeds the winner of the second Power of Veto competition.

It was initially apparent that Brittany was Devin’s target. They have clashed a few times in the house and simply don’t get along. Brittany has told multiple Houseguests that she views Devin as a threat. Devin also told Paola that he would take her off the block if she promised to throw the Battle of the Block competition to keep Brittany on the block.
Devin’s mind, however, is obviously all over the place. After he won the second Power of Veto of the summer, he quickly flipped from hating Brittany in the house to actually lusting over her after she divulged emotional details about her life to him in a long discussion in the Head of Household room. There, they made a deal to keep each other safe at least this week and next.
After Zach volunteered to be a Have Not this week, he quickly went downhill. He was constantly whining about being hungry and unable to sleep and told a few people he just wanted to go home. Devin took this information and ran with it, telling certain Houseguests that he was considering pulling Brittany off the block and replacing her with Zach.
Devin fulfilled his promise. In a move that angered Paola especially, he saved Brittany and nominated Zach to sit next to Paola on the orange chairs. In one quick move, he has managed to anger Paola and alienate much of the Bomb Squad alliance.

Either Zach or Paola will be the second Houseguest evicted from Big Brother 16. It is not yet evident which Houseguest will manage to pull together the votes to stay another week in the house. While Derrick and Cody appear to still have Zach’s back, Frankie may attempt to lobby for votes to evict Zach.
Stay with us as we bring you the latest updates on the Houseguests intentions for their votes for Thursday’s live eviction!