Time for some Monday afternoon Big Brother 16 spoilers, as we just had Fishies on the Big Brother Live Feeds and that means the Week 4 Power of Veto Ceremony was held on Big Brother 2014. There seems to be one main target for the week, but we had one final step to see who the final nominees are for the week!

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. You have been warned! Proceed are your own risk.
Before the Veto Meeting took place today, the Veto Competition took place for Week 4 and we delivered the results to you in our Big Brother 2014 spoilers. It shocked many when Victoria was declared the winner, but did she really win? Nope! Caleb was the winner, but it was the trade-up veto and he took $5,000 over the veto and let Victoria have it!
So, we all know Victoria was going to take herself off the block, but who would Cody put up as the renom? Donny was the renom target, but then he talked with Cody before the meeting and seemed to convince him to put Caleb up instead and send him home this week! When the Big Brother Live Feeds came back, we saw that Cody backed down and put Donny up as the renom….ugh!
Now we have Brittany and Donny as the final nominees for Week 4 and Brittany should be going home. Caleb on the block would have made this week so much better. Now Cody is a hot mess and crying over the decision, but his alliance is consoling him and saying he made a “tough decision.”
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