The Big Brother spoilers are in from the Live Feeds for the week 7 eviction nominations. We can’t say we were all that surprised about who ended up on the block. We do know that depending on what happens at the Battle of the Block, The Detonators could be in some serious danger of losing a member this week.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers on alliances, strategy, competition results and more from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please proceed at your own Big Brother 2014 spoilers risk!
The Big Brother nominations ceremony for week 7 took place on Monday morning. When the Live Feeds came back up after the event, we quickly learned that Christine had nominated Donny and Zach, while Nicole had nominated Caleb and Frankie.
New Heads of Household Christine and Nicole planned together who they were going to each put up on the block. They also mutually promised not to backdoor each other. But then they both kind of fudged on that agreement. In fact, Nicole has already told Derrick she would be open to backdooring Christine if Frankie comes off the block.1