Even before the premiere, Big Brother 2014 cast member Caleb Reynolds was already stirring up controversy. Thanks to a nasty rant on Instagram using the word “fags” and calling President Barack Obama a “Muslim monkey,” Caleb found himself the new face of racism and homophobia inside the Big Brother 16 house before the season even started. Not good for CBS considering he was directly recruited for the show after he failed to make it onto The Amazing Race.

Instagram (deleted), Facebook (deleted) Twitter (fan page), YouTube
Caleb, a former Army soldier, is already in hot water with some Big Brother fans over his Instagram comments before we’ve even gotten a chance to see him in action on the show. If it was just the one thing, maybe he could shake it off as a stupid mistake, but unfortunately Caleb is going into BB16 with more than one mark against him.
According to TVGrapevine, there was also an alleged YouTube video of him in which he “apparently he uses variations of the N word.” However, this video was supposedly deleted and we have not been able to verify this. However, more than one person has reported on social media that they saw the video before it was allegedly removed.
There is, of course, the also-removed video of Caleb Reynolds horribly killing a pig with a stick that has created its own controversy as well. PETA, no doubt, is already planning their protests against the new Big Brother 2014 cast member. Hunting is one thing, especially if you are doing it for food, but this video showed what seemed to be an unnecessarily cruel way of killing an animal.
Big Brother 16 Houseguest Caleb Reynolds Photos
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CBS Big Brother 16 Bio: Caleb Reynolds
Age: 26
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Current City: Hopkinsville, Ky.
Occupation: Adventure Hunting Guide
Three adjectives that describe you: Loyal, talented and charming.
Favorite Activities: Horseback riding, rock climbing, going to the gym, riding bikes, hunting and fishing.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: The most difficult part is being watched at all times, because everything I’m doing my family back at home is watching. Also, throwing a sexy girl that likes me under the bus will be hard but I will do what I have to do, so kiss me, lay with me, have sex with me, tell me you love me, I’m still in it to win.
Do you have a strategy for winning Big Brother?: Yes I have a strategy, I will make sure I have the ladies in my pocket.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most: I liked Hayden because he has the same mindset that I would have had in the house. He plays his cards right even if he has a bad hand and he makes his cards work to his advantage.
What are you afraid of: I’m not a fan of clowns, but other than that I’m pretty fearless.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of: My military service.
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… If you want something bad enough, do whatever you got to do to get it; no matter the consequence.
What would you take into the house and why: My bible just to get my daily word in and scriptures to give me guidance and peace. I would take my iPod to put me to sleep, to jam out and to listen to when I hit the weights in the yard. Also, my hair products and hygiene kit so I smell good and look good for the ladies.
What would you do if Big Brother made you famous: I would give back to the people that have helped me and held my hand through my struggles, and I would try my best not to turn into another Justin Bieber.
Caleb joined the army after high school and was a prison guard in Iraq. He and his family run a hunting business, and his favorite movie is The Notebook.
Caleb Reynolds Big Brother 2014 Video Interviews:
More on Caleb Reynolds:
In addition to loving to hunt, fish, and do “country boy” things, Caleb is also apparently fond of singing. We’re surprised we haven’t seen him on an audition for American Idol yet. We do know he’s already tried out for The Amazing Race, which is how he got recruited for this season of Big Brother. His personal YouTube video account is full of videos of him singing various country songs. One of them, perhaps unfortunately for Caleb in light of the racism controversy, is titled “White boi got soul.”
From his CBS profile, Caleb obviously believes he will be able to woo all the women and get whatever he wants out of them. We hope the ladies see right through his cocky attitude. From his interviews, he seems alternately to come across as a good ole country boy, and an Alpha Male with a built in a@@hole mode screaming to get out. Looking at the pictures he has posted of himself on Facebook and Instagram showing off all his muscles and screaming, we fear the Alpha Male may be the dominant personality.
Our Thoughts on Caleb Reynolds:
Caleb is obviously physically strong, which bodes well for him in physical type challenges. Although, big, heavy muscles sometimes actually sometimes cause problems in endurance competitions. He’s tough though, and he’s been in the Army in Iraq, so he’s obviously a fighter. On the other hand, his obvious lack of a strong education shows in his social media posts and he could be weak in intellectual and trivia challenges. We don’t see this guy wanting to study for memory questions.
Caleb could go pretty far in the competition, if he doesn’t piss off everyone too fast by being arrogant and overbearing. We certainly see him going the showmance alliance route quickly if he can find a willing girl, even if he doesn’t actually like her. His best bet is to try to play off that ‘nice but not too smart country boy’ thing and keep his mouth shut as much as possible. Especially if it suddenly starts wanting to spew something about race or gays in the house.