Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 8 Block Nominations (8/16/19)
Big Brother 21 has made Jackson Michie and Christie Murphy rivals. It may have started all the way back in week one, because when we had a Big Brother 21 Feeds Leak way back when […]
Big Brother 21 has made Jackson Michie and Christie Murphy rivals. It may have started all the way back in week one, because when we had a Big Brother 21 Feeds Leak way back when […]
Two weeks ago, Jackson Michie and Christie Murphy basically declared war on each other. They couldn’t strike at each other because Jessica Milagros was in power and wanted to take out Jack Matthews, and then […]
Anyone not in the new Six needs to win this week’s Big Brother 21 Head of Household. Even members of the new Six might want to win it, because who knows how true the original […]
After Head of Household (HOH) Tommy Bracco saved Christie Murphy with a Power of Veto (POV) win, either Cliff Hogg III or Kathryn Dunn will be evicted tonight on Big Brother 21. As you may […]
It been like a Bad News Bears type of Big Brother season as what the fans want has not panned out too much. We had one really good week (last week), when the universe manifested […]
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