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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Which Jury Member is Back in the Game?

On Big Brother 15 tonight, the four Jury members so far had the chance to compete in an epic Head of Household endurance competition to determine which of them would come back into the game. In never-before-seen twist, the Jury members competed alongside the regular HouseGuests in a dual challenge with the chance to not only get back into the house but do it as the new Head of Household. […]

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Big Brother

Who Won Big Brother 15 Head of Household for Week 9? 8/22/2013

Finally, we had quite the exciting episode of Big Brother tonight! After weeks of predictable votes and boring evictions, a new twist threw some real fun into the mix this evening. The four current Jury members, including the HouseGuest evicted tonight, battled it out for a chance to get back into the game. Now the rest of the Big Brother 15 cast has to deal with a HouseGuest they were responsible for voting out. Cue the major drama!

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Big Brother

Who Was Evicted From Big Brother 15 Tonight? 8/22/2013

Right before the Big Brother 15 live eviction show on Thursday night, a crazy thing happened inside the house. We absolutely thought we knew who would be the person who was evicted from Big Brother tonight. And then, all of a sudden, a group of HouseGuests who had been planning to vote together to evict one of the nominees this week started seriously talking about flipping their votes against the other person on the block. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Recap: Week 8 Live Eviction & HoH/Jury Competition! 8/22/2013

We have a wild ride ahead tonight on Big Brother 15’s week 8 live eviction show! First we’ll have all the drama leading up to this week’s vote, then we’ll have the tears and hugs as the evicted HouseGuest heads out the door. But wait! They may not be gone for good because the four members of the Jury House, including tonight’s eliminated player, will have the chance to compete to rejoin the game. Buckle your seatbelts for our Big Brother live recap starting right now! […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 2013 Recap: Vote Flip Fails and Evicted Player Returns!

On Big Brother tonight, an evicted player returns to shake up the game but how long will they stick around? How much of a chance does a HouseGuest already voted off Big Brother 15 once have to make it to the finale? Well, a lot of it depends on which Jury member it is that returns to the game. In our live Big Brother recap for the week 8 eviction show, we’ll find out who was evicted this week and which BB15 player will get another chance to win a half million dollars! […]