Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: Alyssa Becomes The Target
What a difference a day makes in the Big Brother 24 house. The week started with Head of Household Taylor Hale wanting Indy Santos or Terrance Higgins out the game. Now it may end with […]
What a difference a day makes in the Big Brother 24 house. The week started with Head of Household Taylor Hale wanting Indy Santos or Terrance Higgins out the game. Now it may end with […]
With seven Leftovers still in the game, and four non-Leftovers still in the game, this could have been an easy Big Brother 24 week for the Leftovers. Once again, they are in power. Taylor Hale is the current Head […]
For the fourth straight week, a Leftovers member has been in control. They’re only a few evictions away from all securing their spot in the final seven. Big Brother 24 dominant alliances rarely make it all the […]
This week has been pretty calm in the Big Brother 24 house with Michael Bruner as the Head of Household. He is a member of the Leftovers alliance, and they have stuck to their original […]
Big Brother 24 reaches quite a few milestones this week. It’s the end of the infamous Festie Bestie twist and the start of the Big Brother 24 jury section of the game. It’s also the week before a […]
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