Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Week 7 Ceremony Results (09/18/23)
Cameron had a chance to save his Big Brother 25 life by playing in the Power of Veto Competition. He came close but ultimately Jag beat him. This makes the plan to name him as […]
Cameron had a chance to save his Big Brother 25 life by playing in the Power of Veto Competition. He came close but ultimately Jag beat him. This makes the plan to name him as […]
Tonight on Big Brother 25, a new Head of Household will be crowned. The infamous endurance wall competition was started at the end of the last episode. This time, the competition is Attack of the […]
This Big Brother 25 week had the potential to be straightforward. Whether that means boring is up to the watcher. Jared started his Big Brother Head of Household week with one plan: nominate America and […]
The current Head of Household Jared knew his plan for the week even before the usual meetings began. Luckily for Jared, not so lucky for the rest of the house, he had plenty of target […]
Cameron Hardin’s week as HOH has been quite interesting in the Big Brother 25 house, and he has brought the chaos…as promised. Initially, he let the house believe that Blue Kim and Jag Bains would […]
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