Big Brother 15 cast member GinaMarie Zimmerman is all about the shameless self promotion! She’s already parlayed her 15 minutes of fame from Big Brother into a new single, “Open Book,” which she released on Thanksgiving. She also has a music video in the works and future live performances in the works as well. Meanwhile, GinaMarie decided to randomly visit some of her local fans and, of course, record it all on camera.

The “At Your Door” video featuring GinaMarie Zimmerman surprising her some of her fans on Staten Island was produced by DJ Giovanni, one of the masterminds behind her “Open Book” single. In the video, GM heads out to crash the homes of three of her fans and give them hugs, a t-shirt, a letter, and an autographed picture. We find it maybe a little stalker-ish, but the fans seem happy enough about having the Big Brother 15 alum invade their houses.
We admit we aren’t big lovers of GinaMarie after some of the incredibly horrible things she said inside the Big Brother 15 house. However, we gotta admit the girl is working it hard to get her name out there and make a new career for herself. Which is important since she got fired from her pageant job over all those nasty comments she made on the live feeds. We just hope doesn’t blow all of her Big Brother 15 second place prize money on all this self-promotion and end up broke as well as unemployed.