Big Brother 15 alum McCrae Olson had a long and very oddball interview with Shady Sykes from on Sunday. During the interview, McCrae revealed that he is not planning on popping the question to girlfriend Amanda Zuckerman any time soon. His announcement flies in the face of constant rumors the two are planning to get engaged any minute, or might have already secretly done so. We’re not surprised someone asked the question, considering we are constantly wondering whether or not the two really have LTR potential.

After answering a mixture of bland and eyebrow-raising questions from fans by phone and on Twitter, McCrae Olson was finally asked the question of whether or not he and Amanda were planning on tying the knot. The question was asked by a Big Brother fan with the Twitter moniker of @AdderallVulture, a handle McCrae instantly recognized as someone he called “a genius at hate.”
“Oh this guy is the best,” McCrae said. “This is my favorite guy, easily my favorite. He’s a maestro at what he does… He’s a maestro of hate.” Wow, that’s pretty harsh! Although, we have to agree in looking back through this guy’s Twitter feed, he’s quite the vocal type and he says exactly what the hell he thinks about everything, no matter what kind of response he gets. We’ll let y’all judge how you feel about that whole “genius at hate” think though, if you want to check out his Twitter feed.
Shady Sykes lets McCrae say his piece, and then tells him the question is “actually a nice question.” He says the fan “just wants to know what’s your plans with Amanda, and do you plan on proposing any time soon?”
McCrae answered by saying he does “not plan on proposing any time soon. I’m too young, I’m 24. I don’t really have my feet on the ground, you know. I’m just trying to figure out what’s going on. It could be in the future, but I’m too young right now to do anything like that.” McCrae added that he’s also just “not monetarily secure yet. So I can’t really do anything like that.”
We wondered how Amanda felt about McCrae’s response to that question, especially the phrasing on that whole “could be in the future” thing instead of something like, “yes, someday I will ask her to marry me!” Well, we didn’t have to wonder long, because she called in to the interview shortly after, jokingly asking why McCrae “wouldn’t want to propose to your girlfriend who’s beautiful and nice to you.” McCrae explained, not knowing it was Amanda at first, that he didn’t mean he “didn’t want to propose,” just that he “couldn’t propose” anytime soon. “I would love to, he said, “but I just don’t have the means.
He maybe might have should phrased his response more like that in the first place…
>> Listen to the whole long, strange trip of an interview here.