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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Luxury Competition Surprise, Who Won $10K?

On Thursday night’s CBS Big Brother 15 live eviction show, host Julie Chen told viewers there would be a surprise competition in the house. So when the Live Feeds went to trivia early on Friday morning, we were betting a likely Luxury Competition was underway. When the cameras inside the Big Brother 2013 house were turned back on, our suspicion was confirmed — and we found out that one HouseGuest won $10,000! […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 10 Thursday Night Live Feeds Report

When the CBS Big Brother 15 eviction show ended on Thursday night, we immediately switched over to the Live Feeds to watch the rest of the Head of Household Competitiong… and were denied! For some reason, CBS decided to block out the whole rest of the HoH challenge and save it to be aired on Sunday night’s show. No matter though, we found out the Big Brother spoilers on what was most important — who won Head of Household this week! […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Recap: Amanda’s Power is Broken and a New HoH Reigns! 8/29/2013

Before we get to who was evicted from Big Brother tonight, let’s just take a moment to stop and appreciate what a dramatic and crazy week it has been! Honestly, this season has been a bit dull compared to most previous years on the show. Thankfully, the HouseGuests ramped it up over the past week, especially on the Live Feeds. We’re hoping our live Big Brother 15 recap tonight will be just as entertaining! […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 9 Thursday Pre-Eviction Live Feeds Report

This will be the last day inside the Big Brother 15 house for one of the cast and they wake up knowing it. Everything they have tried to do to save themselves has failed. With the rest of the HouseGuests all on board with the eviction plan tonight and not about to change their minds, there is nothing left to do but wait. As a result, Thursday morning and afternoon on the 2013 Big Brother Live Feeds were pretty sedate but we did dig out a few fun moments and tiny game talk tidbits.