Big Brother 12 Houseguest Profile: Kathy Hillis
thy Hillis, 40, is the oldest Houseguest this season. She’s a deputy sheriff sergeant from Texarkana, AR and describes herself as “tenacious, passionate and fun-loving (silly).” […]
thy Hillis, 40, is the oldest Houseguest this season. She’s a deputy sheriff sergeant from Texarkana, AR and describes herself as “tenacious, passionate and fun-loving (silly).” […]
Hayden Moss, 24, is a student at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ. He describes himself as “outgoing, athletic and charming.” His favorite activities include snowboarding, weightlifting, working out, going to the beach and hanging out with friends.” […]
Enzo Palumbo, 32, is an insurance adjuster and real estate guy from Bayonne, New Jersey. He describes himself as “funny, likeable and obnoxious.” His favorite activities include “jogging, soccer, baseball and bocce ball.” […]
Britney Haynes, 22, is the youngest Houseguest on Big Brother 12. She is a Hotel Sales Manager and hails from Huntington, Arkansas. She describes herself as “argumentative, comedic and opinionated” and loves to travel, argue, take her dog on walks, cook and clean. […]
Annie Whittington, 27, is a bartender from Tampa, Florida. She describes herself as “outgoing, over dramatic and loyal.” Her favorite activities include “anything that involves adrenaline, heights, nature, laughter and fun.” […]
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