Big Brother 19 Rankings: The 5 Power Players of Week 2
Last week, Cody Nickson started the Big Brother 19 game with a lot of power. He was the leader of the power alliance and held the Head of Household title. However, Cody failed to realize […]
Last week, Cody Nickson started the Big Brother 19 game with a lot of power. He was the leader of the power alliance and held the Head of Household title. However, Cody failed to realize […]
Who should be the Big Brother 2015 winner when the Jury votes on Wednesday night? Not who we want to win, or who will win, but which of the final three Houseguests really deserves the […]
Our Big Brother rankings are in for the second eviction day of week 12. After Tuesday’s eviction, the final four will be reduced to the final three on season 17. We wouldn’t want to be […]
There are no Big Brother spoilers out there yet about who got evicted on Big Brother 17 this week. Someone has already been booted out of the house in a special eviction on Monday, but […]
We are down to just two weeks before the Big Brother 17 finale and anything could happen between now and when the next Big Brother winner is named. Our rankings have more difficult every week […]
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