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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Amanda and GinaMarie Huge Fight Explodes Before Eviction!

Last night on the Big Brother Live Feeds, we were gifted with another crazed confrontation in the house when Amanda Zuckerman and GinaMarie Zimmerman exploded at each other out of nowhere. What started as a verbal spat in the midst of a Jenga game turned into a nasty, ugly fight filled with the most disgusting insults imaginable. The whole thing degraded so far that eventually Judd Daughtery had to physically step in between the two before things went too far. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: GinaMarie Makes Racist Remarks About Elissa’s Son

Late last night on the Big Brother Live Feeds, GinaMarie Zimmerman unfortunately reminded us why this is one of the most offensive, derogatory and disgusting casts in the show’s history. We had kind of forgotten that GinaMarie has been just as guilty of saying horrible things as Aaryn Gries or Amanda Zuckerman this season. After watching her finally make the move to break up the McCranda showmance that everyone else seemed to be afraid of, we were actually rooting for her a bit. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 2013: GinaMarie Zimmerman Big Brother 15 Cast Spotlight

Big Brother 2013 cast bottled blonde GinaMarie Zimmerman has quite the accent and proclaims that she is “Italian!” She’s from Staten Island and works as a ‘Pageant Coordinator’ — yes, one of those types. She thinks she made the Big Brother 15 cast liked her because she sent in a wacky video about zombies. We think she probably has a resume and bikini photos on some really second-rate modeling site out there, which is where Big Brother casting seems to find the majority of their ‘attractive’ HouseGuests. […]