Brandon “Frenchie” French started Big Brother 23 with a bang. He won the first team captain’s competition, and then he went on to win the first Head of Household (HOH) competition of the season. His luck ran out quickly after that.
In the week following his two competition wins, Frenchie is on the block for eviction at the hands of HOH Kyland Young. He is sitting next to his Joker’s teammate, Britini D’Angelo, but he knows she is not the target this week. When Derek Xiao won the Power of Veto (POV) competition and declined to use the power, Frenchy was left to defend himself. The live eviction vote is tonight. Join us to see if Frenchie is finally fried.
Week Two Power of Veto Ceremony Fallout
Once Derek X. decided not to use the POV, Frenchie knew he had to fight as hard as he could to stay in the Big Brother 23 house. Britini decided to lay low and not make any waves and let the house evict Frenchie. He is the bigger target.
Frenchie went on a “Stay in the Big Brother 23 House Campaign”. He started with Xavier Pranther, then moved to Brent Champagne, next to Azah Asasum, and finally Claire Rehfuss. His pitch was that he was more beneficial to stay in the house for their games. He promised all of them that he would never come after them…all of them.
Kyland Plans Ahead After Slaughterhouse Alliance Falls
Now that Frenchie has blown up the Slaughterhouse alliance in the Big Brother 23 house, Kyland wants to find some insurance and safety for the coming weeks. He spoke with the Aces team, Derek X., Brent, Whitney Williams, and Hannah Chaddah to get their thoughts.
Derek X. was the only teammate in the Aces to promise safety to Kyland. After the meeting, Derek X. stayed behind to assure Kyland he was in his court.
Kyland then meets with the Kings, Xavier, Alyssa Lopez, Christian Birkenberger, Sarah Beth Steagall. They agreed to target Whitney and Brent next week. Plan made.
Kyland reported back to his Queen’s teammates, Tiffany Mitchell, and Claire. They all agree they feel pretty safe for an upcoming couple of weeks inside the Big Brother 23 house.
Week Two Live Eviction Vote
After Britini’s pre-eviction rap and Frenchie’s country boy swag speech, the live votes begin.
Claire votes to evict Frenchie
Sarah Beth votes to evict Frenchie
Xavier votes to evict Frenchie
Derek Frazier votes to evict Britini
Christian votes to evict Frenchie
Whitney votes to evict Frenchie
Azah votes to evict Frenchie
Derek X. votes to evict Frenchie
Tiffany votes to evict Frenchie
Brent votes to evict Frenchie
Hannah votes to evict Frenchie
Alyssa votes to evict Frenchie
By a vote of 11-1, Frenchie is evicted from the Big Brother 23 house. During his interview with Julie Chen Moonves, Frenchie said he was proud of his week as HOH. He made a change in the game by stopping the “old guy” from being the first evicted. He did not regret declining Julie’s double or nothing offer during his HOH week because seeing pictures of his children was more important than the second week of safety.
Week Three Head of Household Competition
This HOH competition is called Tom Talks BB. The houseguests will watch a video of Tom and then must answer a question about that video. If they answer the question correctly, they move onto the next round. If they answer incorrectly, they are immediately eliminated. There will be 7 rounds of competition.
After just 5 rounds, Xavier was the last Big Brother 23 houseguest standing and won this week’s HOH competition. The King’s are safe this week, and those houseguests are Xavier, Christian, Alyssa, and Sarah Beth. Based on their previous discussions, Whitney and Brent may just end up on the block.
Join us again on Sunday, July 25 at 8/7c for the Wildcard Competition and the block nominations from the new HOH Xavier.
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