Who Was Nominated on Big Brother Last Night? 8/14/2016

Who was nominated for eviction on Big Brother tonight and how much awesome drama are we going to have this week as a result? Well, we have the Big Brother spoilers for you on who the new Head of Household put on the block, and let’s just say watching the Live Feeds the past few days since the noms were handed out in real time has been absolutely AWESOME.

Big Brother 18’s Natalie Negrotti

With all that’s happened over the last week in the house, we’ve been making quite a few ‘Natalie shocked’ faces watching the Big Brother Live Feeds. Just when we thought things were stuck in a terribly boring rut and nothing much was going to change for possibly several more weeks to come, the whole house turned upside down and the real fun of the season kicked into high gear!

Thursday night’s vote flip eviction of Zakiyah Everette instead of Paulie Calafiore’s desired target Michelle Meyer was just the tip of the iceberg. Paulie may have been worried briefly, but then he got his arrogance back when ally Corey Brooks won the first Double Eviction HoH and managed to get Bridgette Dunning booted out the door. When Victor Arroyo ended up winning the second HoH of the week, Paulie pretty much thought he was back in his happy place where he could keep pulling those puppet strings and riding along smoothly to the final two. Boy, was he in for quite the surprise.


Victor initially seemed like he was going to slink quietly back to Paulie’s side and put up two of the ladies for eviction, Natalie and Michelle. That’s when Paul decided enough was enough and he was going to keep on pushing the revolution inside the house to turn everyone possible against Paulie to take him out. So he got all over Victor, throwing shade on Paulie big time for all his manipulations, and urged Victor that now was the time to take out the biggest threat in the house — and get a little revenge at the same time. After all, wasn’t Paulie pretty much a large part responsible for Victor getting the boot earlier in the season?


Well, Victor couldn’t resist the logic of Paul’s arguments, especially knowing that James, Michelle, and Natalie were all on board with taking Paulie to task for trying to run everyone’s game in the house. So when it came time to announce his eviction nominations, Victor threw his former allies Paulie and his still loyal buddy boy Corey right up on the block against each other. Let’s just say Paulie was PISSED as hell! If you want to enjoy some of that awesome aftermath, rewind back on the Live Feeds to around 6:25 PM BBT on Friday, August 12 for some serious fun watching.

As it stands right now, the goal is to get Paulie out, out, out this week. However, if he should win the Power of Veto Competition (and you can get those spoilers here), then the target would switch to Corey and one of the ladies would be put up as a pawn against him as the renom.

Let the reign of ‘The Sitting Ducks’ (Paul & Victor) begin! We’ll see how long it lasts. 🙂

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About L. A. Vess 1495 Articles
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