Even before the Big Brother 18 season began, 25-year-old Houseguest Corey Brooks was already stirring up controversy. If there is anything future players should really learn, it’s to just go ahead and delete all your old social media accounts and start fresh when you go on the show. Otherwise, the fans can and will dig up any nasty details about you that they can find and splash them all over the Internet.
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Such is the case for Corey, who made the mistake of posting the use of several ugly homophobic slurs on Twitter way back in 2012. Doesn’t matter how old these things are, someone out there WILL find them when you become a Big Brother cast member. If you care about such things, you can see screenshots of some of the Tweets in question by clicking here.
Official CBS Big Brother 18 Photos
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In addition to using the F*g word a lot, he also has a bunch of other Tweets just calling things “gay” in a negative way. Also, he apparently also likes call people fat that he doesn’t like. Or a combination of “#yourefat” and “your gay” even. Some fans are outraged at his past comments, while others think what’s in the past should stay there. We’ll let you be the judge, and see how Corey acts on the Live Feeds.
Corey is from Dallas, Texas, and an alumni of Texas A&M University, where he played baseball his freshman year. He lists his occupation on his CBS Profile as being a baseball coach and works for the Dallas Mustangs organization. Apparently he is ‘best friends’ with former Texas A&M pitcher Ross Stripling, who now plays for the Los Angeles Dodgers, according to TheEagle.com. Also, he really likes to name drop this information whenever possible apparently.
Basically, Corey Brooks is kind of like a copy of fellow Texas A&M athlete Clay Honeycutt from BB17. Which is kind of funny, because it turns out the two of them do know each other and hang out sometimes.

In addition to his coaching, it Corey Brooks started a solo business venture around a social media app and website designed to connect fans “with their favorite professional athletes, singers, actors, models, and anyone else with a fan base,” according to AthleteNetwork.com. The app and website, FanConnexion.com are still out there and it’s Facebook page is still a little active, but it doesn’t look much has been done with it recently. Oh, and Corey had absolutely horrible hair when he launched this thing, just saying.
As far as his romantic persuasions, there are a lot of photos out there on Instagram featuring Corey Brooks cuddling with a girl named Alexia Standish, but they all seem to date back a few years. It seems like Corey is going in the Big Brother 18 house single and ready to mingle, so we’re looking at him as a big potential showmance possibility. However, he also mentions in his CBS Live Feeds interview that his reputation is important to him because he coaches kids baseball.
Interestingly, Corey’s favorite Big Brother player is Cody Calafiore from season 16. Could he be a possible future alliance mate with Cody’s brother Paulie Calafiore? We could totally see the two of them hooking up. In an alliance, we mean, of course, yeah that.
We couldn’t find Corey’s Facebook page, which means either it’s deleted or hidden — something all Big Brother contestants really should do. Or possibly there are just way too many Corey Brooks out there and we missed it. Too bad, Facebook is always a fun mine of information about the backgrounds for the new Houseguests.
Corey Brooks Photo Gallery (Sources: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
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More on Big Brother 18 cast member Corey Brooks at BigBrotherAccess.com:
>> Big Brother 18 Cast: Corey Brooks – The Jock
>> Big Brother 18: Corey Brooks Gay Slurs Dug Up By Fans
>> Big Brother 18: Outrage Over Corey Brooks Animal Cruelty Story!
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