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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 New Twist Revealed: Most Valuable Player is You! Wait, What?

CBS Big Brother 2013 unveiled the show’s latest twist on Thursday night’s live eviction show. After revealing who was evicted on Big Brother 15 this week, host Julie Chen told viewers things would be a little bit different this time around when it comes to the Most Valuable Player vote. Right now, all the HouseGuests know is that they should “expect the unexpected” but they don’t know that the MVP power is now in the hands of the viewers, not a fellow HouseGuest. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Week 3 Eviction Results! 7/18/2013

Wondering who went home on Big Brother tonight in week 3? Well, we have to say it wasn’t much of a surprise this time around, as our Big Brother spoilers from Thursday night’s eviction reveal. We always love those shocking, last minute vote flips and crazy twists that shake things up but this week the person who was evicted on Big Brother 15 wasn’t much of a shock. We’ve been hearing the death knell for them ever since Helen won the Head of Household Competition. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Recap: Who Was Evicted on Big Brother in Week 3? 7/18/2013

We’ve been waiting all week to find out who got evicted on Big Brother tonight! When you find yourself addicted to a show like Big Brother 2013, you just can’t help but get a little thrill out of anticipating what’s going to happen in the next stage of the game. With the Big Brother 15 eviction results almost boringly predictable this week, we’ve just been kind of impatiently chewing our nails until the live eviction on Thursday. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother After Dark Censorship Continues: But Now You Have Three Hours of It

Big Brother After Dark on TVGN will be adding a third hour to the program on Friday, which is kind of too little, too late in our book to make most fans happy. It’s something at least but we are still going to b*tch loudly that BBAD on Showtime was three hours every single night, not just on one night a week. Oh, and TVGN will also be showing reruns of CBS Big Brother 15 episodes already aired this season. Because the Big Brother Live Feeds, the CBS prime time shows, and BBAD are apparently not enough. […]

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Big Brother

Who Will Go Home on Big Brother 15 In Week 3: Jeremy, Aaryn or Spencer?

Who will get evicted on Big Brother 15 this week? We know who we think will go home on Thursday night, but we want to know which hamster you think is headed out the door! So far on Big Brother 2013, we’ve had one eviction that was relatively predictable and one that ended up being kind of a shocker if you weren’t watching all the behind-the-scenes scheming and vote flipping happening on the Big Brother Live Feeds. Which type of eviction will it be on the live show Thursday night? […]