Now that there are only six houseguests (HG) left in the Big Brother 18 house after Michelle Meyer was evicted Thursday evening, winning competitions is more important now than at any other point in the game. Tonight’s episode will pick up where Thursday’s episode left off with the HGs battling one another in the ‘Poached Eggs’ competition for the new Head of Household (HOH) crown.

With less than three weeks left in the house, the HGs must bring their ‘A’ game now more than ever if they plan to take their game to the end.
When Big Meech was finally evicted, after several previous close call in week’s past, she went out with a BANG! Her eviction was the first tie-breaker vote of the season, and HOH Nicole Franzel cast her vote to evict Michelle over her pawn Paul. It should not come as a surprise that Michelle did not hold back her feelings as she walked out the Big Brother doors.
Each time Michelle has been sitting in the hot seat of eviction, she has not held back her thoughts about other players. During a previous eviction ceremony when Michelle was certain that she was going to be evicted but was not, she called fellow HG Nicole a snake in the grass who could not be trusted. Michelle also totally blew up Paulie Calafiore’s game with Bridgette Dunning when they were sitting on the Block for eviction together. After she and Bridgette exposed Paulie’s game to the group, Paulie was evicted the very next week after having complete control of the house for most of the season.
Now that Super Fan Big Meech is gone, we are left with only six HGs and all of which are in relationship pairs. Nicole and Corey Brooks have been in a showmance along with James Huling and Natalie Negrotti for most of the season. Victor Arroyo and Paul Abrahamian are in a bromance that has lasted since the first week in the house and both of Victor’s evictions and comebacks. Nicole and Corey are in a final four deal and alliance with Paul and Victor, but James and Natalie used to be in an alliance with Paul and Victor. Will the newly formed alliance between Nicole, Corey, Victor, and Paul be able to stick together and make it to the final four? Who will win the next HOH and who will be nominated to the Block for eviction? Tune in tonight for the answers to all of these questions and many more on Big Brother.
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