Big Brother 19 kicked off the first night of live feeds. A week of no feeds left most viewers scrambling to figure out what happened in the Big Brother 19 house. Apparently, a lot!
We missed some major Big Brother action, including a huge alliance forming, some showmances, and a self-eviction. We watched the first few hours of Big Brother 19 live feeds to gather information on all the dramatics going down in the game. Here’s our first Big Brother 19 live feeds highlights recap: Night 1:
Most Big Brother fans are already moaning about the possibility of showmances, but it seems like they’re going to be a lot of them this season. However, the only official showmance seems to be between Jessica Graf and Cody Nickson. Yes, the only person who can make Cody crack a smile actually likes him too. Shocker.
Cody and Jessica have no problem showing their affection, they have already been kissing and straddling, and it’s only day 9 in the Big Brother 19 house! Apparently, their showmance has created a bit of tension. Alex Ow made it known that she finds Cody attractive, and according to Alex, Jessica is jealous of that fact. This tidbit will be important later on in this summary.
An unofficial showmance is happening between Mark Jansen and Elena Davies, who have already kissed. However, things aren’t as smooth for them. Mark seems unsure of the status of his showmance with Elena. He discussed it with Dominique Cooper. Dominique also mentioned that Elena is a little jealous of Mark and her friendship. This could lead to trouble in the future for Mark.
Christmas Abbott and Paul Abrahamian are starting to develop a flirtmance. Raven Walton also has a flirtmance with Paul, and also with Matthew Clines. The rest of the Big Brother 19 house seems showmance free for the moment.
The Den of Temptation Power Results?
In the first few hours of the Big Brother 19 live feeds, we didn’t get a confirmation on who won the prize, and who got a punishment. However, apparently the whole house is aware that someone got a reward and punishment. Ramses Soto told Jillian Parker that he was the one to receive the punishment, and she should stay away from him to not face the consequences of his misfortune.
However, her and Alex have become outcasts in the Big Brother house. Therefore, there is a chance Ramses used this line to distance himself from Jillian, to protect his spot in the game.
The New Big Clique Alliance
Cody seems to have succeeded in forming his ultimate alliance, but a few players have changed. Dominique and Mark confirmed that they’re in an alliance together with Jessica, Cody, Matt, Elena, and (possibly) Raven. We have yet to confirm the other members of this alliance. However, Josh Martinez mentioned him, Jillian, Alex, Jason Dent, and Kevin Schlehuber being outcasts. It also seems like Ramses, Christmas, and Paul Abrahamian aren’t included in the big alliance, but not outcasts enough to be huge early targets.
Paul Versus Cody: To Be Continued?
A lot of people hung out in Cody’s HOH room, and fawned over Jessica and him, including Paul. The two seem amicable. So we’re not sure if their one sided feud still exists. Josh may have garnished enough hate from Cody and everyone to minimize Paul’s target…for now.
Everyone Hates Josh
We saw a little of this on last night’s Big Brother episode, but the Josh hate has grown. Josh’s big Miami personality seems to have turned him into the most hated Big Brother 19 player (by the house). He spent most of the first few feed hours isolated. People also sat in rooms discussing his behavior. It’s not looking good for Josh’s potential game. If he doesn’t win POV, or HOH, next week, we expect the entire house to target him.
Have-Nots for the Week 
The Have-Not room includes a bed with spikes. We also know Jillian, Ramses, Josh, and Jason are the current Have-Nots. There might be a couple more players (like Alex) but it wasn’t confirmed in the first few hours.
Self-Eviction and Nomination Shake-Up

The circumstances surrounnding the sudden end of Megan Lowder‘s game is still unclear. However, some sort of fight happened between Josh and Megan, and possibly more houseguests. The houseguests seem to imply that she hit him, or almost did. Basically, all the lies and listening to conversations caught up with Megan. Players called her out on it, and she couldn’t handle the tension. The diary then called Megan in, and she spent three hours in there before leaving the Big Brother 19 house.
We’ll have to wait until Sunday’s episode to see all the drama surrounding Megan’s early exit.
Due to her exit, Cody, as head of household, had to nominate someone else. He put Alex up next to Jillian. Alex believes it was due to jealousy, because she believes Jessica feels threatened by her possible crush on Cody. We’ll have to wait and see about that on Sunday’s episode as well.
The first couple hours of Big Brother 19 feeds were exciting, so hopefully it continues this way. Make sure that if you’re interested in seeing the live feeds, you sign up for CBS: All Access. It was a messy first night, it’s just going to get messier from here.
Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!