For the first 2 weeks inside the Big Brother 20 house, there were 2 main alliances fighting for power and control, Level 6 and F.O.U.T.T.E. Now that Chris “Swaggy C” Williams left the building, there really isn’t anyone or anything holding together the F.O.U.T.T.E. alliance. For the second week in a row, a pseudo member of that alliance flipped their vote against F.O.U.T.T.E., and now one of those “flippers” is the new Big Brother 2018 Head of Household, Scottie Salton.
Scottie has made it his mission this week to make sure the Big Brother 20 house was more evenly divided, rather than allow the Level 6 alliance to control the numbers, and therefore control all the power in the house. To accomplish his mission, Scottie set out to target Level 6. He hit them where it hurt the most…he nominated both members of the house bromance, consisting of Winston Hines and Brett Robinson. Without a miracle in the form of the Power of Veto, Level 6 will be taking a big blow at the end of this week.
Let’s review what alliances remain inside the Big Brother 20 house during week 3. Level 6 is the largest alliance still intact with all of their original members, Winston, Brett, Kaycee Clark, Rachel Swindler, Angela Rummans, and Tyler Crispen. That looks to change this week baring a POV miracle for either Brett or Winston. In addition, JC Mounduix leans toward this side of the house, although he is not a founding member of the Level 6 alliance.

In week 3, Tyler still has his hand in the most cookie jars. Not only is he in the Level 6 alliance, but Tyler has deals with JC , Sam Bledoe, Kaitlyn Herman, and Scottie. So far this season, Tyler has secretly had the most power, while pulling the strings from behind the scenes, with Kaitlyn in particular. That run for Tyler may be over soon as many members of the now defunct alliance of F.O.U.T.T.E. have caught onto his shenanigans.
The disbanded F.O.U.T.T.E. alliance is now simply the “other” side of the house. Those members include Bayleigh Dayton, Angie “Rockstar” Lantry, Faysal Shafaat, Haleigh Broucher, and Scottie. Kaitlyn is a floater, as of now, but her loyalty still seems to be with this side of the house rather than the Level 6 houseguests. Sam is floating in the middle of the road right now, at least until she no longer holds the BB App Store Power.
If all goes as planned, Scottie should even the playing field this week by sending home a member of the Level 6 alliance. This would be the group’s first hit. And we shall see how they react, and more importantly, how they rebound from this week’s eviction.
Keep an eye on Tyler, because all things point to his reign ending rather soon. Scottie hopes to shake things up inside the Big Brother house this week. If he plays his cards right, he may do just that and walk away with some power inside the house. As always, we will have to wait and see how things play out.
Join us again Wednesday night at 8:00pm CST/9:00pm EST for the the Big Brother 20 week 3 Power of Veto episode.
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