As we see the conclusion of the endurance competition, Pose In Ivy, tonight, we will crown a new Head of Household in the Big Brother 21 house. The HOH comp kicked off at the end of the last episode once Isabella Wang was shown the door and evicted from the Big Brother 21 house. Cliff Hogg III kept to his word in a deal made with Christie Murphy, which kept the Six Shooters in tact and Christie with her power.
Will the Six Shooters continue to control the Big Brother 21 house? Can an outsider snatch control and finally begin to take shots at the house majority alliance? Or will the Six Shooters win another HOH and predictably target Nick Maccarone or Sam Smith? Both have been targets since the break-up of Und9able/Gr8ful occurred a couple of weeks back.
Week Five Head of Household Competition
We pick up right where we left off last episode with the houseguests hanging from their vines for dear life. The vines kept moving forcing the houseguests to continually adjust their body weight appropriately. This comp looks brutal and requires lots of core strength and balance.
As a twist on the comp, there is a punishment to dish out to one or more of the houseguests. Each time one of them falls from their vines, they must pull a chip from the first aid box to see if they are safe or if they will receive the unnamed punishment.
To make matters worst, the remaining houseguests are doused with cold, wet, sticky, pink slime. A few have fallen after about 20 minutes, and Christie pulled the first poison ivy punishment chip. With 40 minutes lapsed, Tommy Bracco falls off his vines pulls the second poison ivy chip.
Only four houseguests remain, Holly Allen, Analyse Talavera, Kathryn Dunn, and Jackson Michie. Three of the four are members of Six Shooters. Michie goes down at the hour and a half mark, leaving the comp for the girls to win.
As soon as Michie went down, Kat let go, once she got assurance from Sis and Holly that she wouldn’t be a target this week. Down to Sis and Holly, and they are both in the Six Shooters. Not sure why they are competing against each other when they are on the same team. Finally, Analyse drops and Holly wins the HOH for week five.
Week Five Head of Household Fallout
Analyse is upset that when she was trying to work out a deal with Holly, Michie wouldn’t stay out of their conversation. After the comp, she told Christie and Tommy that if Nick doesn’t go up on the block for eviction, she is done working with Michie and Holly.
During a private conversation with Michie, Holly tells him that she is considering putting Nick and Sam on the block for eviction. She is worried about the one not evicted coming after her later. She then considers putting up Nick and a pawn, in particular, Nicole Anthony. She seems unsure of whom she will nominate at this point, but Michie is heavy in her ear, that’s for certain.
It’s BB Poison Ivy punishment time. Not only do they look a mess, they are not allowed to go outside or shower for four days. Christie and Tommy are sharing in the pain together.
Week Five Block Nominations
In the end, at the Block Nomination ceremony, Holly decided to nominate Nick and Sam to the block for eviction this week. This was a bold move by Holly. Will Nick or Sam win the Power of Veto and save their game this week?
Join us again Wednesday, July 31 9 PM EST/8 PM CST for the Power of Veto competition.
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