The Big Brother 22 game seems to be at a standstill with the last few weeks being less than exciting game play. Head of Households have gone after easy targets, instead of making big game moves. That’s not what we’ve come to expect from a Big Brother: All-Star season.
It’s the third week in the Big Brother 22 game, and here we are yet again with another power ranking. I’ll be honest but this week was tough to watch, knowing the inevitable split of Kaysar Ridha and Janelle Pierzina was coming. Hopefully, brighter days are ahead of us in this young season, and let’s hope they come soon.
14. Janelle Pierzina
Janelle is toast. I know she’ll fight her way out the door, but Kaysar pretty much has locked votes in Nicole Franzel, Ian Terry, David Alexander, and Daniele Donatos-Briones. That’s all Kaysar will probably need to win the votes here. Janelle came in with a huge target and I guess we should be grateful we got a few weeks of good times with her and Kaysar. With this cast, she was never going to get a shot to play the game.
13. Kaysar Ridha
Hopefully, he’ll get a shot to play the game with Janelle gone. It’s never happened before. Many of them still want to see him go soon, but I imagine they’ll get greedy and see that Kaysar isn’t as threatening as they think. At least, that’s what I’m hoping for. Because seeing Kaysar leave after this week will really kill this season. I’m hoping some of them give him a shot.
12. David Alexander

Somehow David made himself into a target. I expected he’d just be able to float for a while after surviving the block, but he’s playing this game so poorly that he’s making himself a problem. He’s talking too much and is just messy. Nobody respects him as a player and I don’t think he could ever win. Even people who were once fighting hard for him like Tyler Crispen and Da’Vonne Rogers don’t seem to care if they lose him. I expect he’ll be a pawn a lot in the weeks to come and if he goes, he goes.
11. Ian Terry
With Janelle and Kaysar being split up, I think attention will soon turn to the two winners in the house. And unfortunately, Ian is a lot less protected than Nicole. He probably knows this but has yet to be able to do anything about it. I think if he had his way he’d have Janelle and Kaysar still there. But alas, he’s going to have to hope someone he feels good about wins HOH. I don’t think Nicole will fight very hard for him and with Janelle out, people are going to come for Ian and Kaysar together as a duo of outsiders.
10. Kevin Campbell

Who knows what Kevin Campbell is doing? He’s disposable to literally everyone and is just all over the place. Any excitement I had to see him is kind of gone. But he stepped it into high gear late in the game in Big Brother 11, so maybe that’s his plan here. Kevin is not playing a winning game now though and I’d be hard-pressed to see like anyone he can beat in the end if he’s lucky enough to even come close to that. He needs to get with Kaysar, Da’Vonne, Bayliegh Dayton, and Ian and start creating an opposition to the powers that be but I don’t think he’ll ever see it that way.
9. Da’Vonne Rogers
Da’Vonne has had a few chances to listen to Janelle and Kaysar and do something. She could’ve helped save Keesha Smith, or Nicole Anthony, and now even if she wants to keep Janelle she won’t have the votes. And her allies are coming for her. Nicole, Dani, Memphis Garrett, Tyler, and even Cody Calafiore have her on their radar. Her relationship with Bayleigh is threatening for whatever reason and she’s been doing more than people are comfortable with her doing which is bizarrely hypocritical, but whatever. I don’t think she or Bayleigh will happy when their allies show themselves for what they really are.
8. Nicole Franzel
I think people are seeing how insulated Nicole and that she’s got protection from a bunch of people. At the same time, I think a lot of them wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger on her. Especially if they remember that she’s won this game, whether you like her strategy or not, Janelle leaving is good for her obviously but I think it’ll only amplify targets on some other people, including herself. I think Kaysar very much would like to see her leave if he has any say.
7. Memphis Garrett
After Memphis’s high profile HOH run, he’s kind of settled back into obscurity. He’s still mentioned as a target for some but many of them want him around as they don’t see him as a roadblock. I think they’re underestimating him a bit, especially since he’s won two competitions and has been pretty physical. I think he’s right where he wants to be, in the know, but not too much, and in a position to coast for a little while. I think he’d be better off had he fought for Keesha, Janelle, or Kayasr but he’s trying to play the new school game, and they weren’t.
6. Dani Briones
People are catching onto Dani. Like Nicole, she’s fairly insulated but I feel like many are skeptical of her and they have right to be. She drives wedges between people and tries to stay innocent. I think if Tyler had his way, he might have even wanted to go for her, but he succumbed to the will of the house and made the boring move. I expect to see her either be turned on or for her to make a big betrayal in the weeks to come. She’s certainly planting the seeds for it.
5. Bayleigh Dayton
Unfortunately, being seen as a pair with Da’Vonne isn’t a big help for Bayleigh’s game. I think in most scenarios, she lives to see another day and can go deeper into the game. But it’s still a risk. Her social game is great but she is trusting people that she really shouldn’t be. Hopefully, if a move is made against her or Da’Vonne, she can get her head into the game a little more and see the big picture. She needs to work with Kaysar and Ian. If she doesn’t see that, there’s going to be problems.
4. Tyler Crispen
I think Tyler’s HOH has been wildly unsuccessful. He’s getting rid of a big target in front of him, as Janelle told him. I think he’s easily someone people have their eyes on. He’s said as much himself. And with David ratting him out to Da’Vonne, there’s a need for some damage control or some action. He can possibly weasel his way out of it, but I’m starting to see the scenario where he’s nominated with Cody or Memphis or Enzo Palumbo, and he is the one who goes home because they see that he’s a big threat.
3. Cody Calafiore
Cody is quieted down a bit but many of them know he’s the nucleus of everything. And it’s true. He’s got Enzo, Tyler, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne, Dani, Nicole and Christmas Abbott. I think it isn’t as solid as maybe he thinks but he’s well insulated. If Kaysar did want to come for him, he might have a difficult time determining the set of nominees to make it happen. But if anyone can do it, it’s the same Kaysar that took out “Cappy” in season six.
2. Christmas Abbott
Christmas is doing much better than I think a lot of us expected. Her safety and punishment has worked out well for her too I think by softening her a bit and not forcing her to play the game as a hard. I think she’s doing a good job socially, since both sides think they have an in with her. I know she’s a competitor but she’s probably best off just not winning stuff for a while. She wants to keep Kaysar around and it’s clear Kaysar actually has a very good bond with her. The one thing I want from Christmas is for her to be selfish and make moves for herself and not her alliance. If she can do that, she’ll be a dangerous player.
1. Enzo Palumbo
Enzo remains at the top. He’s fun, low-key, and not a target. If somehow he goes up as a pawn, I’m not sure that there’s a scenario where he goes. I actually think Enzo versus Cody would be the best scenario to get Cody out because Enzo might be seen as non-threatening enough to keep. Winning the game is always the biggest question here and I think he’s capable if he plays his cards right and takes out some of his physical competition.
That’s a wrap for this week. Tell us what you think? How do our power rankings stack up to yours? Let’s all cross our fingers for a power shift this week. We all want and need it.
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