Big Brother history was made last week when the Cookout became the first alliance to take all of its members to the end of the game. Not to mention, all six members of the alliance are African-American, meaning that this year’s winner will be the first African-American to grab the grand prize. Kudos to CBS for their changes this year to allow for complete and equal inclusion.

In the last episode, we watched as the double eviction sent Claire Rehfuss and Alyssa Lopez to the Big Brother jury. This finally gave the Cookout alliance complete control of the house. Tonight, the Cookout will finally have to start taking out some of their own. The Head of Household competition will be followed by this week’s block nominations. Let’s get into it.
Double Eviction Aftermath
Once the celebration is over, the Cookout settles back into their own games realizing it’s every man or woman for themselves.
Hannah Chaddha made sure to try and do some damage control with Kyland Young. She nominated him to the block as a pawn when she nominated Alyssa for the second eviction of the evening.
Kyland said he had no hard feelings. He is unsure if he wants to work with Chaddah moving forward.
Derek Frazier made it clear to Xavier Prather that his target would be Tiffany Mitchell if he won HOH this week.
Kyland and Xavier made a final two deal which Xavier loved. He thinks he will win sitting next to Kyland at the end.
Hannah, Tiffany, and Kyland made a final three deal and decided to call themselves the Con-Artists…seems fitting.
Week 10 Head of Household Competition
This week’s HOH competition is the infamous chicken egg challenge. Each houseguest must weave an egg in front of their cage through a wire maze. Then they must roll the eggs down a ramp with obstacles to knock down three power levers. The first to knock down all three levers will win the coveted HOH competition.
This is a very tedious and time-consuming competition that requires great skill and patience more than anything. The smaller the houseguest’s fingers, the easier it will be to maneuver the eggs.
Big D was the first Big Brother houseguest to knock down the first lever. Kyland is not far behind Big D with his first lever completed, and he drops his second lever not too far behind the first. Big D ties up the score with Kyland in short order.
Kyland is the first to knock down all three levers and secures his third HOH win of the summer.
Week 10 Block Nomination Ceremony
After the HOH competition, everyone is on edge as to who Kyland will nominate to the block. Big D is very emotional because he has not won any competitions this Big Brother 23 season. He is worried about being evicted. Kyland assures him he doesn’t have anything to worry about this season.
Tiffany has a private conversation with Kyland before nominations. She shares with him that she does not want to sit next to Xavier at the end. She wants to go to the end with Kyland, and they do have a final three agreement with Hannah. Recall, they named their alliance the Con-Artists.
Hannah spoke with Kyland as well. She also thinks Xavier is the biggest target in the Big Brother 23 house just like Tiffany. Kyland has a big decision to make before nominations.
In the end, Kyland decided to nominate Tiffany and Hannah to the block for eviction this week from the Big Brother 23 house. Kyland explained that this nomination was purely based on a lack of trust (of Tiffany). Game on!
Join us again on Wednesday, September 15 for the Power of Veto competition.
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