Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Week 3 Block Nominations (07/23/21)

The week three Big Brother 23 nominations took place tonight. Current Head of Household Xavier Prather could have any easy or hard week based on his nominations and the Veto. The Big Brother 23 house wants Brent Champagne or Whitney Williams gone this week. The majority of the Big Brother 2021 house has mentioned evicting one of them this week, but is this the best option for Xavier’s game?

Big Brother Nominations

He could stick with the house and cause little to no waves by nominating Brent and/or Whitney, but neither seem to have him on their radar, at least not as a main target. He also often cuddles with Whitney. To not take one of them out, or at least not to make an attempt could put Xavier in a bad position with the rest of the Big Brother 2021 house.

The Wildcard Competition played out today. Tiffany won it. This means that Tiffany is no longer an option this week, but she never really was one as a member of the Cookout.  If Brent wins the Power of Veto, then Brent is safe and may come right for Xavier. So this is a very tricky week for Xavier. Xavier wants to keep Brent calm until his eviction. Therefore, he tried to convince Brent that he is the pawn and Britini D’Angelo is the target.

Brent has thrown out Britini and Azah Awasum‘s names a lot this week as people trying to start an all-women’s alliance. Azah tried to volunteer to spare Britini from being nominated, but Xavier didn’t want to risk a Cookout member going home.

So who did Xavier nominate this Big Brother 23 week? Read below to find out.



Xavier nominated Britini and Brent for eviction. 


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