Big Brother 23 Spoilers Week 6 Power of Veto Competition Results (08/14/21)

This Big Brother 23 week has already kicked into high gear. It started with Kyland Young winning his second Head of Household of the season. He then sets his sights on the evening the playing field a bit by targeting one of the women in the Big Brother 23 house–the men are currently in the minority with four men to seven women. Originally, Tiffany Mitchell wanted to take out Sarah Beth Steagall this week, Kyland’s closest ally. 

Kyland teased the idea that he could nominate Sarah Beth this week, but most viewers and houseguests knew that this was highly unlikely. Instead, Kyland set his sights on Claire Rehfuss and Britini D’Angelo. Claire was his main target, but Britini is not exactly safe this week. Some of Kyland’s allies would prefer that Kyland took a shot at Alyssa Lopez instead of Claire, but Kyland is close with Xavier Prather. 

Xavier would not be too pleased if he lost two allies back-to-back, but Alyssa also isn’t completely safe this week. She’s probably safer than Britini, but if somehow Britini wins Veto and saves Claire, then Alyssa would very surely see the block this week. But it would be a completely different universe if Britini uses the Veto to save Claire. 

Despite Kyland wanting to target Britini, she managed to stay off the block because Derek Fraiser volunteered to be a pawn. This resulted in Kyland nominating Claire and Derek F this week. 

Yesterday, the first Big Brother High Roller’s Room opened up. We’re still trying to piece together what happened, but it seems like this power allowed another Veto into the game. This means instead of one person being Vetoed, two people could end up off the block. From what I’ve gathered, Derek F, Claire, Kyland, and Sarah Beth all opted into the High Roller’s Competition this week that could result in one of them getting the second Veto. If the person they bet on wins the Veto, then they are also rewarded a Veto. Britini, Alyssa, and Azah Awasum were all picked to play in this week’s Veto competition along with the nominees HOH.  The bets win as followed: 

Derek F bet on Britini to win the  Veto.

Claire bet on Kyland to win the Veto.

Kyland bet on Alyssa to win the Veto.

Sarah Beth bet on Azah to win the Veto.

This means if Claire or Derek F wins the Veto, then the second Veto won’t come into play this week because no one bet on them to win it. The houseguests also learned that this week’s Veto is the OTEV one.

So who won this week’s Big Brother 23 Power of Veto Competition? Read below to find out!



Alyssa won the Veto, which means Kyland won the second Veto.

Kyland plans to use the Veto to save Claire and nominate Britini. Alyssa likely to not use her Veto.

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