Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: Who Would Pooch Save If Given The Chance?

Big Brother 24 has settled into a rhythm but the threat of the Backstage twist may completely shake up the game. Head of Household Daniel Durston planned to keep things simple this week by nominating easy targets Michael Bruner and Terrance Higgins. These players had been the most isolated in the game, at the time. Terrance for being the oldest player and not immediately connecting with the younger houseguests. Michael struggled a bit to connect in large groups. 

Big Brother 24-Pooch

Being nominated lit a fire under Michael. He took that passion and won the Power of Veto Competition. The majority of the Big Brother 24 house then decided that with Michael no longer an eviction option this week, Taylor Hales had to go. Daniel granted their wish. He nominated Taylor as Michael’s replacement. 

Later in the day, the house started talking about their next target. With the fear of the Backstage twist increasing, Brittany Hoopes tried to be more proactive about maintaining her spot in the house. She had a conversation with the Backstage Boss Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli to try to make sure he kept her safe if given the chance.

Big Brother 24-Brittany Hoopes

She sacrificed Ameerah Jones’s game a little to further her own game. Unfortunately, Pooch wanted nothing to do with Brittany and this information just gave him an excuse to put her in jeopardy of eviction if given the chance. Brittany told him that Ameerah wants to target him. This is true. However, Ameerah is part of Brittany’s Girls Girls alliance, so this doesn’t make her look good to her alliance–especially because Pooch told Ameerah what Brittany said right after it happened.

Ameerah later subtly let Brittany know that she might know that she said her info to Pooch. This puts Brittany in a lot of danger next week or if she isn’t saved with America’s vote. Pooch was already leaning towards sacrificing Brittany’s game if he had to make a decision between her, Alyssa Snider, and Paloma Aguilar. 

Now he has an excuse that makes his decision even easier. If Brittany doesn’t win America’s vote this week, and Pooch has a chance to pick between the Backstage eligible players, Brittany is his top choice. 

Big Brother 24-Paloma, Brittany, and Alyssa

If America’s vote saves Brittany, then it’s not completely clear who Pooch would pick. However, Paloma has started to rub people the wrong way. They’re worried about her being a danger to their game because of some of her actions and doing a little too much this early. This might result in Pooch keeping Alyssa safe from eviction this week and letting Paloma fight it out. However, Paloma has the closest bonds with quite a few players, so we aren’t sure if Pooch is willing to make waves by putting her in danger. 

Obviously, we know nothing about what any of this Backstage stuff means. This is all just hypothetical based on what has happened on the Big Brother 24 Live Feeds so far. Pooch may have no power this week, but if he does, Brittany is most likely to be who he puts at risk followed by Paloma, but that could change. 

Who do you think Pooch would keep safe if given the chance?

You can hear more about what happened with the Brittany-Ameerah-Pooch situation on Rob Has A Podcast. It starts about 30 minutes into the video.

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